The American Tealiban

The woman on the left is Holly "Hobby Lobby" Fisher, a misguided, under-educated dolt who believes that she's holding her "First and Second Amendment rights" in her hands in the picture above. The woman on the right is Sherafiyah Lewthwaite, an international terrorist known as the White Widow who is part of the Al-Shabaab Islamic militant group, a religious zealot who takes her marching orders from her misreading and misunderstanding of the Quran. Unfortunately, Ms. Fisher doesn't see the similarity in the two pictures. In fact, she went on "Fox & Friends" to try to explain her stupidity. Although the segment begins [...]

Friday News & Newman

This was a surreal week. It was the week in which Glenn Beck admitted that we were right! This was the week that saw Fox's Shepard Smith speak the truth about Iraq instead of simply repeating the neocons talking points. It was the week in which right wing shill and apologist Mark Halperin called out Paul Bremmer for being the war monger that he is. It was the week that saw Faux News Channel's Megyn Kelly emerge as the one who took on Dick Cheney! Speaking of Dick and his evil spawn, Tina Dupuy wrote a great column explaining the [...]

Bergnahlzi and the Winds of Change

  As we've discussed for two days now, there's no black and white divide between the wrong way and the right way to bring Bowe Bergdahl home. If indeed he walked away from his Platoon as others have said, there should be a court martial. I'm not sure that a five for one swap, with the five being hard core bad bad guys was the right move. But the vitriol and ugliness with which the Rethuglicons are attacking Bergdahl and his father goes beyond any measure of decency. From Allen West calling for the impeachment of President Obama to Fox [...]

Colbert, Christie, Climate & Christian Hypocrisy

(Ed note: I know the image above is not of a cow. It was the perfect image for today's show, where nothing is as it should be. Welcome to Opposite World, Bizarro World, or the world where a cow looks like a horse.) Let's begin with Colbert. Last week, Stephen Colbert showed what real satire is, and the right wing nuts in this country proved they haven't got a clue. Colbert pointed out the complete insincerity and blatant racism of Dan Snyder, the guy who owns the NFL team based in Washington DC, with this bit (starts at the 8:31 [...]

Music Can Soothe the Savage Beast

  It can.. I know that music certainly helps me when I'm feeling off. After hearing about a murder trial that some misguided members of the media decided to call the "Loud Music Trial" (instead of the Jordan Davis murderer trial), I decided to turn the spotlight on how music is helping raise money for some truly progressive candidates. The Blue America PAC just wrapped up a truly special fundraiser for Congressman Alan Grayson.  Grayon's favorite artist is Joni Mitchell (click through for my print interview with her from a few years back), so all who donated to his campaign through [...]

Secrets and Lies

The old saying goes, "Information is Power." So the powerful don't want you to have information. They keep secrets and continuously lie to us. The most blatant example of that is the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiation process. It's been done in total secrecy and we've been lied to about what's in it.  Just consider why a "trade deal" would have to be top secret. Last week, while we were metaphorically stuck on the George Washington Bridge with Chris Christie, a bill was introduced by Max Baucus in the Senate and Dave Camp in the House that would rush the TPP [...]

A Bridge and Toxic Water

Chris Christie has a problem with a bridge, and over 300,ooo residents of West Virginia have toxic water. Welcome to Monday! I think Christie's troubles are just beginning... pop some popcorn and settle in, because this one will last a while. Stay tuned! Although the NY Times and Washington Post both have been covering the sickening story out of West Virginia, apparently none of the Sunday talk shows thought it was a big enough story to compete with Christie's troubles, a baby panda's debut or the three-year anniversary (later this week) of Sully Sullenberger landing his plane on the Hudson River. [...]

I Am Not a Bully or the Bridge(t) Gate Blame Game

For almost two hours today, NJ Bully Governor Chris Christie denied he had any involvement in the vindictive closure of multiple toll lanes leading on to the George Washington Bridge that resulted in massive traffic backups for four days in September 2013. He did, however, throw a number of his senior staffers under the bus (or off the bridge, as it were), and he played the victim. He can go cry crocodile tears with Frank Luntz.  Obviously, the Christie blame game (anyone but him) and his endless presser dominated today's show, which included Julianna Forlano's top five four excuses why [...]

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No Sympathy for the Devil

As one who suffers from depression, you might think I'd have sympathy for Frank Luntz after reading that he's "profoundly depressed." I have sympathy for any human being suffering from the malady that has me lashing out at grocery store bag boys and hurting those who love me most, but Frank Luntz is far from human. As Molly Ball wrote in The Atlantic in a piece entitled "The Agony of Frank Luntz", The crisis began, he says, after last year's presidential election, when Luntz became profoundly depressed. For more than a month, he tried to stay occupied, but nothing could [...]

Double Header Wednesday

Busy day today! I just finished my show this morning and am now getting ready to head up to West Palm Beach to guest host for Randi Rhodes... So bear with the brevity of this update. On my show today, I spoke with Vivek Tiwary, a ridiculously successful Broadway producer (with lots more to his list of accomplishments as well), whose new book - a graphic biography - The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story -  is a NY Times bestseller and soon to be a major motion picture! Susie Madrak joined in from her perch at the newly re-designed [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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