Je Suis #Hebdo: “You could say the CIA is America’s only straight up satirical organization.”

Another snark-filled guest post by the one, the only Will Durst: JE SUIS HEBDO Decades after being dismissed by George S. Kaufman as a genre that “closes on Saturday night,” satire, like the measles and mumps, is making a comeback. And in many quarters, remains the most feared of the three conditions. Some experts hold to a strict definition: “satire portrays a viewpoint, while intending something different.” The most famous example being Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal,” the essay in which he advised Ireland’s poor to alleviate their poverty by selling their babies as food for the rich. At least we [...]

By |January 20th, 2015|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Je Suis #Hebdo: “You could say the CIA is America’s only straight up satirical organization.”

VH1 Doing 19 Day SNL Marathon #WeAreNotWorthy!

Four hundred and thirty three hours of straight Saturday Night Live. If you live in Colorado or Oregon, this one might call for what my generation called a Doobie. For riveting convo with info on that topic catch or revisit Nicole's Friday Weed and Music show here at Radio or Not featuring old pal and activist Bobby Tuna. Image, NBC   This is the full Saturday Night Live catalogue from now back to its divine conception and delivery in 1975 and relatively accessible on VH1 Classic. Yours truly was a high school Freshman with one primitive tee vee [...]

White House Falters and Admittedly Fouls, Hebdo Continues

Eric Holder was taping effing Red Meat Meet the Press during the Unitè rally in Paris this past Sunday ... blocks away from the surrounding streams of over 3 million people and an arms-linked impressive front line of world leaders. I was embarrassed and critical of President Obama's decision not to attend or delegate Joe Biden to France with due dispatch. I agreed with Nicole's opinions on air and in her spot on blog yesterday, link here. And as the talking heads seem to agree upon, this is rather the raison d'être for Veeps lurking around. Today I am outraged. [...]

By |January 13th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on White House Falters and Admittedly Fouls, Hebdo Continues

Charlie Hebdo Must Live On

Image courtesy Cagle Cartoons   The freedom to say outrageous things is one of the most endearing tenets of true democracy. Witness a fiery fellow known as Thomas Paine. A couple of brash Democratic Nations were born by and of the rape and oppression of a monied class who had to control every piece of information, whisper and loyalty in order to continue their reign: these United States and the ballsy Rèpublique of la France. Both countries produce and value satirists, that rare breed who strive long and hard to share their truth -- and keep us citizens [...]

Happy Moral Populists

  A group of young Iranians showed their "Happy" side by dancing in a video to Pharrell Williams catchy smash hit song.   Unfortunately, I guess being happy is illegal in Iran. Susie Madrak of Crooks & Liars joined me this morning to talk about this truly sad story. Three men and three women danced unveiled to Pharrell Williams' smash hit in a video that was widely shared on social media, garnering over 30,000 views before it was taken down. Copies have been quickly re-uploaded as news of the arrest has broken, sparking the hashtag #FreeHappyIranians. Many Iranians praised their joyful video, [...]

Colbert, Christie, Climate & Christian Hypocrisy

(Ed note: I know the image above is not of a cow. It was the perfect image for today's show, where nothing is as it should be. Welcome to Opposite World, Bizarro World, or the world where a cow looks like a horse.) Let's begin with Colbert. Last week, Stephen Colbert showed what real satire is, and the right wing nuts in this country proved they haven't got a clue. Colbert pointed out the complete insincerity and blatant racism of Dan Snyder, the guy who owns the NFL team based in Washington DC, with this bit (starts at the 8:31 [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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