4-20-20 Nicole Sandler Bonus 420 Show

Download here or click below to play   4-20 this year fell on a Monday, a day that I don't usually do a show. But I've just launched a Patreon page and must start producing some bonus content for subscribers. So this is our first bonus show. The first hour will be on YouTube and here-- on the regular Nicole Sandler Show podcast as usual; the second part aired live on the Nicole Sandler Show stream and is available as a bonus podcast content for patrons. We begin with another episode of Quarantine Calling, this time to New Zealand. I [...]

By |April 20th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-20-20 Nicole Sandler Bonus 420 Show

8-13-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with @GottaLaff (and Bobby Tuna Too)

 We begin our week at the Nicole Sandler Show on Tuesdays, so we have a lot of catching up to do with the news that broke over the weekend- most notably the death, presumably by suicide, of the most notorious criminal in US custody today. We'll begin today with a visit from my friend Robert Platshorn, who served 30 years in federal prison for smuggling marijuana in the 70s, about the idea of committing suicide while in federal custody. Check out The Silver Tour, and the TV show, "Should Grandma Smoke Pot?" Then, since it's Tuesday, GottaLaff returns to [...]

By |August 15th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-13-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with @GottaLaff (and Bobby Tuna Too)

8-13-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with GottaLaff (and Bobby Tuna Too)

 We begin our week at the Nicole Sandler Show on Tuesdays, so we have a lot of catching up to do with the news that broke over the weekend- most notably the death, presumably by suicide, of the most notorious criminal in US custody today. We'll begin today with a visit from my friend Robert Platshorn, who served 30 years in federal prison for smuggling marijuana in the 70s, about the idea of committing suicide while in federal custody. Check out The Silver Tour, and the TV show, "Should Grandma Smoke Pot?" Then, since it's Tuesday, GottaLaff returns to [...]

By |August 13th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-13-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with GottaLaff (and Bobby Tuna Too)

3-9-17 Nicole Sandler Show- Pot ‘n’ Politics

It's a busy day. I was out yesterday for the Women's Strike! I originally had my old friend Robert Platshorn scheduled to join me then, but moved him to today so I could participate yesterday. So I apologize for the rushed nature of our interview. But I wanted to get him on in time for anyone interested in going to the next Meet the Experts symposium to have time to plan to get to Atlantic City for the event happening March 18-19. Robert Platshorn was busted for smuggling marijuana into South Florida back in 1978 and, in 1980 was sentenced to [...]

By |March 9th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-9-17 Nicole Sandler Show- Pot ‘n’ Politics

9-23-15 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s Fall & We Can’t Get Up!

As fall replaces summer, crazy political season kicks into high gear. Nicole Sandler has the news. Plus The Silver Tour's Robert Platshorn with the latest on the efforts to end prohibition and Joanne Bamberger, editor of "Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox" guest.

By |September 23rd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 9-23-15 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s Fall & We Can’t Get Up!

4-24-15 Nicole Sandler Show – FUBAR!

Today, Nicole looks at things that are FUBAR in our world. Marijuana activist Robert Platshorn served over 3 decades imprisoned for pot. And Amy Ziering tells about her latest film, The Hunting Ground, about the rape epidemic on college campuses.

VH1 Doing 19 Day SNL Marathon #WeAreNotWorthy!

Four hundred and thirty three hours of straight Saturday Night Live. If you live in Colorado or Oregon, this one might call for what my generation called a Doobie. For riveting convo with info on that topic catch or revisit Nicole's Friday Weed and Music show here at Radio or Not featuring old pal and activist Bobby Tuna. Image, NBC   This is the full Saturday Night Live catalogue from now back to its divine conception and delivery in 1975 and relatively accessible on VH1 Classic. Yours truly was a high school Freshman with one primitive tee vee [...]

Arrr – It’s Friday!

It's Talk Like a Pirate Day, the start of the People's Climate March & Mobilization, Flashback Friday, and Congress is in recess again. Nicole discusses it all, along with the rest of the news. No Nukes activist Harvey Wasserman, and Medical Marijuana advocate Robert Platshorn guest. And for Flashback Friday, we go back to 2000 for Nicole's interview and performance with Natalie Merchant.

I Am Not a Bully or the Bridge(t) Gate Blame Game

For almost two hours today, NJ Bully Governor Chris Christie denied he had any involvement in the vindictive closure of multiple toll lanes leading on to the George Washington Bridge that resulted in massive traffic backups for four days in September 2013. He did, however, throw a number of his senior staffers under the bus (or off the bridge, as it were), and he played the victim. He can go cry crocodile tears with Frank Luntz.  Obviously, the Christie blame game (anyone but him) and his endless presser dominated today's show, which included Julianna Forlano's top five four excuses why [...]

By |January 9th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on I Am Not a Bully or the Bridge(t) Gate Blame Game

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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