Governor Did a Bad Bad Thing

Maureen McDonnell spent $6,000 around the time of Bob McDonnell's January 2010 inauguration and complained to the PAC the family did not have enough to finance her first lady wardrobe - Photo courtesy of AP Guilty! Actually, she's guilty of spending $50, let alone thousands on that dress. But that's not why they were convicted.  A federal jury on Thursday found former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, guilty of public corruption — sending an emphatic message that they believed the couple sold the office once occupied by Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson to a [...]

Bergnahlzi and the Winds of Change

  As we've discussed for two days now, there's no black and white divide between the wrong way and the right way to bring Bowe Bergdahl home. If indeed he walked away from his Platoon as others have said, there should be a court martial. I'm not sure that a five for one swap, with the five being hard core bad bad guys was the right move. But the vitriol and ugliness with which the Rethuglicons are attacking Bergdahl and his father goes beyond any measure of decency. From Allen West calling for the impeachment of President Obama to Fox [...]

Fight for 15 and Other Fabulous ‘F’ Words

  FAST FOOD FORWARD FIGHT FOR FIFTEEN It began with Fast Food Forward - NYC area fast food workers walking off the job, demanding a living wage.  It spread to Chicago, where workers decided to Fight For 15 , once again using those alliterative 'F' words to focus on funding families. In the wake of McDonald's insulting sample monthly budget  (check out page 4), the protests have continued spreading - St. Louis, Milwaukee and Detroit have seen similar strikes in recent weeks.  And this week, over the next four days, fast food workers in Flint, MI and Kansas City, MO join in [...]

The Day Before Election Day

I took that picture of a little boy yesterday at the Obama rally in Hollywood FL.  My 13 year old daughter only accompanied me because it was my birthday, and I hope that someday she'll look back on it and remember that she saw our first African American President in person. I also hope that, in his second term, President Obama will become a truly great leader. Today is election day and, as soon as this post is up, I'll be taking my absentee ballot in to the Broward County Supervisor of Elections office in person, and will wait until they verify [...]

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After the Storm

If there is a silver lining on the giant Sandy cloud - and I'm not sure there is one - it's that now, perhaps, the powers that be will begin to take the reality of climate change seriously. Words fail me right now.  This morning, my friend Greg Basta joined me on the show to talk about the storm.  Greg was on with me last week to talk about the release of the Occupy the Boardroom book that's just been published.  Of course, I also asked him about his work with New York Communities for Change where he works as [...]

Nov 17- Global Day of Action – Occupy the World

Today's show began with a simulcast of the ustream live video via TheOther99  from Wall Street.  As I noted Monday morning, Mayor Bloomberg's fascist tactics of having the NYPD raid the OWS encampment at Zuccotti Park in the dead of night would make the protesters even more determined.  As the sign says, "Screw us and we multiply". That was evident this morning for tens of thousands who were watching the live streams - and in this photo tweeted by Michael Moore (@MMFlint) On today's show, I spoke with Greg Basta of NYCC about the activities planned in NYC today.  From [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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