Moving Onward

Randi Rhodes broadcast her final program on Friday. I'm hoping she'll come back - but, for now, she's done. I was honored to be in the studio on her last day. Not that I was invited, mind you. I just showed up. As I told her, I just couldn't imagine sitting at home listening. So, I got her a balloon and a card and a bottle of champagne... and it was the definition of bittersweet. But move forward we must... so, on the show today, we looked to the future. Congressman Alan Grayson was on with me in the first [...]

Music Can Soothe the Savage Beast

  It can.. I know that music certainly helps me when I'm feeling off. After hearing about a murder trial that some misguided members of the media decided to call the "Loud Music Trial" (instead of the Jordan Davis murderer trial), I decided to turn the spotlight on how music is helping raise money for some truly progressive candidates. The Blue America PAC just wrapped up a truly special fundraiser for Congressman Alan Grayson.  Grayon's favorite artist is Joni Mitchell (click through for my print interview with her from a few years back), so all who donated to his campaign through [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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