Friday News & Newman

This was a surreal week. It was the week in which Glenn Beck admitted that we were right! This was the week that saw Fox's Shepard Smith speak the truth about Iraq instead of simply repeating the neocons talking points. It was the week in which right wing shill and apologist Mark Halperin called out Paul Bremmer for being the war monger that he is. It was the week that saw Faux News Channel's Megyn Kelly emerge as the one who took on Dick Cheney! Speaking of Dick and his evil spawn, Tina Dupuy wrote a great column explaining the [...]

Absurdity is the New Reality

The late Frank Zappa was way ahead of his time. Yes, Absurdity is the new Reality! Just a glance at the day's news is evidence of that. I began today's show with the news that hell has frozen over. The best explanation I've seen thus far about the DC Circuit Court ruling that rendered Net Neutrality dead comes from Fox "News"'s Shepard Smith! And then, he called his corporate shill of a guest a "corporate shill!". Once you pick your jaw up off the ground, watch this: Today, the Senate Finance Committee (under the exiting Max Baucus) will mark up [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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