8-10-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Infrastructure Legislation, Andrew Cuomo Resignation, Climate Crisis Mitigation

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   The month of August used to be slow. Everything shut down. But there's no such thing as a slow news day anymore. Today, we have a lot of ground to cover. We'll begin with Infrastructure legislation. As Joe Biden said, "After years and years of infrastructure week, we are on the cusp of infrastructure decade." And it has begun... Then we move to Resignation... Andrew Cuomo's resignation, to be precise. And we'll finish with Mitigation. That's the buzzword as we must finally [...]

By |August 10th, 2021|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 8-10-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Infrastructure Legislation, Andrew Cuomo Resignation, Climate Crisis Mitigation

8-3-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Every Other Tuesday with @GottaLaff

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   GottaLaff has been hanging with us on Tuesdays for probably a decade already or longer. Lately, she's had issues with pain in her hands, so we cut back to every other week. Well, today is one of those days. And what a day it is! NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is in the #MeToo spotlight today as the NY AG released her office's report on the investigation into sexual harassment by the governor. And it's ugly. We'll certainly talk about other issues too, [...]

By |August 4th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-3-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Every Other Tuesday with @GottaLaff

8-3-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Every Other Tuesday with GottaLaff

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   GottaLaff has been hanging with us on Tuesdays for probably a decade already or longer. Lately, she's had issues with pain in her hands, so we cut back to every other week. Well, today is one of those days. And what a day it is! NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is in the #MeToo spotlight today as the NY AG released her office's report on the investigation into sexual harassment by the governor. And it's ugly. We'll certainly talk about other issues too, [...]

By |August 3rd, 2021|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-3-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Every Other Tuesday with GottaLaff

3-16-21 Nicole Sandler Show – The Planet’s Survival is in Our Hands

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)     President Biden signed a few executive orders shortly after being sworn in to mitigate climate change and get us on the correct road to saving the planet. But it'll take all of us getting on board. Are we ready? What must we do? I'm joined today by Andreas Karelas, founder of REvolve, and author of  Climate Courage: How tacking climate change can build community, transform the economy, and bridge the political divide in America . But first, I have a few [...]

By |March 16th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 3-16-21 Nicole Sandler Show – The Planet’s Survival is in Our Hands

4-1-20 Nicole Sandler Show – A Cuomo Primer or Why Andrew Shouldn’t be President

Download here or click below to play     Welcome to another Wednesday at home. Trump is now admitting the virus is serious, but is it too little too late? We'll have the latest news and information, and a bit of homemade humor as well. And then, we welcome journalist Ross Barkan to the show, who has an article up at The Nation, "Cuomo Helped Get New York Into This Mess," that tells the real backstory of Andrew Cuomo, and how his austerity policies helped lead to the disaster currently unfolding in New York. I played a couple of song [...]

By |April 1st, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 4-1-20 Nicole Sandler Show – A Cuomo Primer or Why Andrew Shouldn’t be President

“Dear Gov. Cuomo, please stop blaming teachers for your failure to support our public school” #MoralMondays

The Rev. William Barber II urges education equality at the NYS Capitol. #MoralMondays #FaithFairNY pic.twitter.com/wAfVD5jN6U — CSEA Local 1000 (@CSEALocal1000) January 12, 2015 A lot of us are loyal liberals, passionate Progressives, devoted Democrats. However, that doesn't mean we blindly support Democrats who don't act like Democrats, at least not if we want this country to evolve and prosper. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is one of those Dems who has given real Progressives pause. And by pause I mean hives. For example, Cuomo attacked teacher pensions in his second inauguration speech. And here's another link you may find interesting. Now back to Moral Monday [...]

Dick Advises House GOP on Foreign Policy

When the House Republicans needed foreign policy advice, they turned to the man most responsible for getting us into this mess in the first place.  Cheney was the war's chief propagandist, who told the American public more spectacular falsehoods than anyone, including Bush himself. Cheney was the one who told us in 2002 that "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." He's the one who tried to convince us that Saddam Hussein might have helped engineer the [...]

By |September 10th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Dick Advises House GOP on Foreign Policy

Take the Threats Seriously

Americans have really short memories. It was less than a year ago that the Republicans shut down the US government for 16 very long days. And now Mitch McConnell is threatening to do it again. I suggest we take those threats very seriously. To refresh our country's collective memory loss: First, Federal employees were furloughed for a combined total of 6.6 million days, more than in any previous government shutdown. At its peak, about 850,000 individuals per day were furloughed. That number fell once most Department of Defense civilian employees were able to return to work as the Pentagon implemented the [...]

8-6-14 Nicole Sandler Show – I’m in a New York State of Mind

  I was born in New York City, and lived in Queens until my family moved to Florida on the day I finished 6th grade. After graduating from the University of South Florida, I moved back to New York, working in radio there for five years (until a relationship brought me to Los Angeles- a story for another day). I love New York, and will always consider it, in some sense, home. I also adored Governor Mario Cuomo. The picture above was taken in 1984 or 1985, when I produced a monthly statewide "Ask the Governor" radio show. (Another aside: [...]

Bergnahlzi and the Winds of Change

  As we've discussed for two days now, there's no black and white divide between the wrong way and the right way to bring Bowe Bergdahl home. If indeed he walked away from his Platoon as others have said, there should be a court martial. I'm not sure that a five for one swap, with the five being hard core bad bad guys was the right move. But the vitriol and ugliness with which the Rethuglicons are attacking Bergdahl and his father goes beyond any measure of decency. From Allen West calling for the impeachment of President Obama to Fox [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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