12-21-15 Nicole Sandler Show – The Future

Today, Nicole Sander contemplates the future with a big announcement. She welcomes Joel Silberman back to the show to talk about our media circus. Michael Wille, the man who trolled the Frank Luntz focus group on Trump joins in too. Plus the last Democratic debate of the year and the aftermath too...

No Sympathy for the Devil

As one who suffers from depression, you might think I'd have sympathy for Frank Luntz after reading that he's "profoundly depressed." I have sympathy for any human being suffering from the malady that has me lashing out at grocery store bag boys and hurting those who love me most, but Frank Luntz is far from human. As Molly Ball wrote in The Atlantic in a piece entitled "The Agony of Frank Luntz", The crisis began, he says, after last year's presidential election, when Luntz became profoundly depressed. For more than a month, he tried to stay occupied, but nothing could [...]

People With Guns Kill People

The Frank Luntz coached American right does a great job of one thing: coming up with pithy bumper sticker-type sayings that are easy for the unwashed masses who watch the Fake News Channel to parrot back to anyone who'll listen. We, the educated left who understand nuance and enjoy informed debate need to do better when it comes to memorable phrases that are easy to understand and echo. Obviously the fight over sensible legislation to help keep the public safe when it comes to guns is going to be a long, hard road.  So, I invited my friend - blogger, [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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