Christie Is Getting Moon-walked Back to Genuine Jersey Scandal

    He knew! So the rats are squealing under oath as they jump ship for greener grass than Trump World. [Rumor has it Pizza Rat led the charge.] Aaaw … a new Bridget Kelly update re the gubernatorial hi-jinks of Krispier and Krispier Chris Christie. A refreshing change from T'Rump's latest loafer-in-mouth moment. For sassy prior updates at Laffys Place transfer here.  From the dedicated Bergen Record: Kelly, a former deputy chief of staff for Governor Christie, spent the past two days on the witness stand, casting herself as a bit player in the administration — who made $140,000 a [...]

I Am Not a Bully or the Bridge(t) Gate Blame Game

For almost two hours today, NJ Bully Governor Chris Christie denied he had any involvement in the vindictive closure of multiple toll lanes leading on to the George Washington Bridge that resulted in massive traffic backups for four days in September 2013. He did, however, throw a number of his senior staffers under the bus (or off the bridge, as it were), and he played the victim. He can go cry crocodile tears with Frank Luntz.  Obviously, the Christie blame game (anyone but him) and his endless presser dominated today's show, which included Julianna Forlano's top five four excuses why [...]

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