11-15-22 Nicole Sandler Show – The Right’s Anti-Trans Crusade with Sarah Posner

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   Sarah Posner is one of the best journalists today covering the religious right and their assault on our freedoms and liberty. Her latest book is Unholy: How White Christian Nationalists Powered the Trump Presidency and the Devastating Legacy they Left Behind. (Find her on Twitter and on Mastadon I invited Sarah to join me on today's show after reading a Twitter thread she wrote in response to a recent New York Times article that raised doubts about gender-affirming care (though, as she [...]

By |November 15th, 2022|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 11-15-22 Nicole Sandler Show – The Right’s Anti-Trans Crusade with Sarah Posner

8-30-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Beating Cancer, Surviving Hurricanes, and Frank Schaeffer Too

 It's a big day here at the Nicole Sandler Show. First, today marks three years that I'm cancer-free; my lung cancer surgery was three years ago today. Second, I'm based in South Florida, where we're currently bracing for Hurricane Dorian to hit on Monday or Tuesday as a Category Four storm. I've done this dance too many times. Our guest today is Frank Schaeffer who, due to his father, has a perspective on the religious right that few others have. He'll tell about his background, and then explain what's so disturbing about Donald Trump's relationship with the evangelicals [...]

By |August 30th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 8-30-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Beating Cancer, Surviving Hurricanes, and Frank Schaeffer Too

6-30-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Room for One More?

Chris Christie squeezes into the already-crowded GOP clown car today! Nicole discusses his unlikely bid and more with the Gliberal Goddesses (GottaLaff and Amy Simon) along with the rest of the news. Plus Frank Schaeffer on religious hypocrisy

The American Tealiban

The woman on the left is Holly "Hobby Lobby" Fisher, a misguided, under-educated dolt who believes that she's holding her "First and Second Amendment rights" in her hands in the picture above. The woman on the right is Sherafiyah Lewthwaite, an international terrorist known as the White Widow who is part of the Al-Shabaab Islamic militant group, a religious zealot who takes her marching orders from her misreading and misunderstanding of the Quran. Unfortunately, Ms. Fisher doesn't see the similarity in the two pictures. In fact, she went on "Fox & Friends" to try to explain her stupidity. Although the segment begins [...]

Everything is Broken

When three people, including 8-year old Martin Richards-pictured above, are killed and upwards of 180 injured at a public sporting event, something is broken. When an injured marathon spectator is considered a "suspect" in the bombing because he's a  Saudi national, something is broken. When Rupert Murdoch's propaganda outlets can spread hate and lies and call them "news", something is broken. When public figures tweet out "Kill the Muslims", something is broken. When American Airlines returns a plane to the gate at Logan because two passengers are speaking Arabic, something is broken. When poison laced envelopes are sent to members [...]

Monday Marathon

**Updated Monday night... podcasts are now posted.  Click on the player above for my regular show, and click here to hear today's Randi Rhodes Show (with me)*** It's another marathon Monday, as I'll be filling in for Randi Rhodes this afternoon, then doing my show too! It's baseball's opening day, Tiger Woods returns to the golf course, and it's Easter Egg Roll day at the White House. No, Randi Rhodes isn't attending any of those events.  But she will be on Joy Behar's show tonight, so be sure to tune in. I've been keeping busy for the past few months. [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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