5-10-19 Nicole Sandler Show – The ERA, GOTV, Constitutional Crisis and more

  We made it to the end of another busy week, and we have a busy show planned for today. We  begin with a visit from Carol Jenkins, co-President and CEO of the ERA Coalition and Fund for Women's Equality. She'll tell us about the first congressional hearings on the ERA in 35 years and how close we are to getting equal rights for women. Then we'll finish off the week with writer and activist Tom Sullivan, whose GOTV primer "For the Win" has been helping Democrats win races in North Carolina. He'll release it nationally in January. Find Tom's [...]

By |May 10th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5-10-19 Nicole Sandler Show – The ERA, GOTV, Constitutional Crisis and more

Trump’s In a Glass Dawghouse Permanently Per Any Thinking Woman

    Just as Roger Ailes and Bill Cosby put punctuation to their own creepy sex scandals and waved anything resembling public respect au revoir, The Donald's long and storied history of bully behaviors/abusive speech re women pivots to Ick. Trump pretty much Triples Down on his most offensive bigoted commentary. He enjoys calling women pigs, deriding them as 'fat' and 'ugly' or 'semi-attractive' or 'slobs'. Or that there are somehow hordes of disgusting 400 lb. pitifuls no one but he can see, apparently to illustrate the dark depths to which his ship of idiots will sink. Then defend the descent. [...]

By |September 29th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Trump’s In a Glass Dawghouse Permanently Per Any Thinking Woman

High Time For That Autumn Bernie Bump?

Bernie Sanders with Zephyr Teachout in New Paltz, N.Y. on Friday. Ms. Teachout is running for the House of Representatives. NY Times.  Are we all in love again yet?Come ON?! We are well under fifty days out here progressive peoples!Must be time for an injection of Bernie.The New York Times reports that from Zephyr Teachout to HRC, The Bern has his groove back and is uber-rebooted for the final round.NEW PALTZ, N.Y. — This crunchy college town, between the Hudson River and the Catskill Mountains, feels like an ideal place for a Woodstock attendee to retire. Amble down Main [...]

Proof that hypocritical GOP cares nothing about protecting us from ISIS

For years, Rachel Maddow has been reporting on the willful obstructionism of Republican Congress members on all kinds of Democratic bills and, of course, any and all things proposed by President Obama. And with each GOP block, we Dems have become angrier and more frustrated. But now.I mean.Come on.Now. Now it's deadly serious. Now it's even more urgent.Now it's a matter of national security.The hypocrisy on the right is jaw-droppingly, stupidly, nauseatingly blatant, especially in light of all their chest pounding, big "tough" talk, belittling of President Obama's policies, faux bravado, threats, and misguided compulsion to "carpet bomb" Daesh (AKA ISIS, Islamic [...]

By |December 11th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Proof that hypocritical GOP cares nothing about protecting us from ISIS

Quickie: This is what happens when Democrats don’t vote

Today's Quickie: Here are 54 words from a Los Angeles Times article about the Nevada GOP's (and Governor Brian Sandoval's) election wins that Democrats would be wise to read... and reread: He was so popular he scared off serious competition in November, giving Democrats little incentive to turn out. The result was a GOP wave of such magnitude it surprised even Republican strategists; no one expected the party to win control of the state Assembly, where Democrats held a near two-thirds majority, but they did. That was today's Quickie. Was it good for you?

“A minority voter staying home on election day is a vote for a Republican.”

Via one of my favorite Twitter pals ever, Clay Bennett Please read the last part of the following letter twice, and then share it with as many people possible. While you're at it, please vote. And while you're at it squared, please help everyone you can to get to the polls so that they can vote. In other words: Here is today's Los Angeles Times letter to the editor, because our voices matter: What immediately came to mind reading this article was the saying "cut off one's nose to spite one's face." It seems to me that's what the Latinos in [...]

By |October 22nd, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on “A minority voter staying home on election day is a vote for a Republican.”

To those considering sitting out the November elections…

The Los Angeles Times letter to the editor below illustrates the stark differences between Democrats and Republicans. My frustration, anxiety, and concern have grown recently as the number of polls showing the chances of a GOP Senate takeover have increased. If Dems and Independents don't get their asses to the polls, those predictions will become a reality. And that reality will spawn more realities, scary ones, that will make the mess this country is in now look like paradise. So before deciding to sit out the elections in November, please think again: Like what happened to abortion clinics in Texas? Then don't vote. [...]

Getting Out The Vote: An Election Eve Radio Special!

Yes, you're in the right place.  If you entered the site, it's easy to watch and/or listen to the show tonight.  (If you'd rather just listen, click here for the audio stream!) This show came about when my old Air America colleague Richard Greene contacted me and told me about the Energy Independent Congress idea.  It's a pretty simple concept: We ask that you vote for ONLY those candidates, Republican and Democratic, who share the vision of CLEAN ENERGY INDEPENDENCE and have the guts to do what is right for our country . . . to create a new, American [...]

By |November 1st, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Getting Out The Vote: An Election Eve Radio Special!

It’s Scary Out There

It's the last full day before America heads to the polls to vote at a very scary time.  And that has nothing to do with the fact that yesterday was Halloween, and that I wore the scariest costume I could think of.  (See the picture above.  Read to the bottom of the post to find out who I was.) It seems as if there's more at stake now than ever before-but the Democrats aren't a whole lot better than the Republicans, so perhaps that's what's so scary about it. I didn't go to Washington DC this weekend to attend John [...]

No Vote No Future

We are coming down to the wire.  I'll be voting tomorrow. As the following two videos show - one using clever production techniques and scare tactics and the other using that all-too-valuable but becoming ever-scarce and somehow vilified common sense - it's time to put up or shut up. First, we look to our friends at MoveOn.org, whose RepubliCorp campaign is nothing short of brilliant.  In fact, it was in keeping with this idea that Lauren Valle had her head stomped on by a Rand Paul campaign worker when she held up a sign proclaiming Paul "RepubliCorp Employee of the [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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