Dr. Bitecofer is Back on the Nicole Sandler Show 12-10-24

 Rachel Bitecofer does have that "Dr" title, and we could all use some healing right now. The best doctors are those who give you the information, the tools and the strategies to heal, so that's what we're talking about today. Bitecofer, author of the book HIT 'EM WHERE IT HURTS gave us the tools, strategies and info we needed, but too many didn't follow the directions. Now Rachel is back with a podcast and blog at THECYCLE.SUBSTACK.COM so subscribe, listen, read, and pay attention! She's a political scientist and strategist, and if we (Americans) [...]

By |December 10th, 2024|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Dr. Bitecofer is Back on the Nicole Sandler Show 12-10-24

A Day with Digby on the Nicole Sandler Show 11-19-24

She really needs no introduction- but in case you haven't been paying attention, Heather "Digby" Parton is one of the OG bloggers who took to this medium at its inception around the turn of the century... She launched her must-read Digby's Hullaballoo, still going strong- these days at digbysblog.net, and writes a regular column for Salon.com. Her words are some of the first I read each day and our conversations are some of my favorite over the many years I've been doing this show. Today is the first time we'll speak since our world turned upside down on Nov [...]

By |November 19th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on A Day with Digby on the Nicole Sandler Show 11-19-24

We’re Back with Your F’ing News-Nicole Sandler Show 11-18-24

     I took last week off to work through my grief, something that I realize will take much longer than a week. But it's a start... I've heard from quite a few listeners who seemed to be suffering with the same symptoms that paralyzed me for the better part of the time since Nov 5. Panic attacks know no logic and they're relentless. As you regular listeners know, I don't hold much back. Today I'll attempt to share as much as I can without falling apart. But here's where we can help each other. So please use this [...]

By |November 18th, 2024|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on We’re Back with Your F’ing News-Nicole Sandler Show 11-18-24

Emptywheel Fridays on the Nicole Sandler Show – 11-8-24

     We're still here. A bit battered and tattered and dejected, but we're grieving. We'll get through this. Today, Marcy Wheeler of emptywheel.net has a bit of a reality check for us. There's no sugar coating it, it's bad. But not ALL of it is bad. And I'll share some small good news too. We could all use some more of that. Breathe.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEn3_tfDUBU    

By |November 8th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Emptywheel Fridays on the Nicole Sandler Show – 11-8-24

Worst Deja Vu ever, with Brian Karem on the Nicole Sandler Show – 11-6-24

     I was hoping that after the uncertainty cleared and we got past Nov 5 that things would return to a surreal sort of sanity, but I'm not sure sane will be part of the American lexicon again. It would be very easy for me to remain in bed with the blankets pulled up over my head to avoid dealing with the world, but that certainly wouldn't end well. Thankfully, one of my favorite journalists - one who's not afraid to speak truth to power- Brian Karem (Salon.com, JustAskTheQuestion.com, "Free the Press"...) agreed to join me today to [...]

By |November 6th, 2024|Tags: , |Comments Off on Worst Deja Vu ever, with Brian Karem on the Nicole Sandler Show – 11-6-24

A note from Nicole – Thursday 10-31-24

I apologize for being off the air for the past couple of days. As you know if you've been watching and/or listening for any amount of time, I've been having a rough time dealing with the run-uo to the end of this seemingly interminable election season. I could explain further, but I think you already understand. Judging from the emails I've received, I'm not alone. I wrote this up last night and posted it on Facebook. I figured I should share it here as well... And a heads-up. I just finished recording tomorrow's Emptywheel Friday episode with the great Marcy [...]

By |October 31st, 2024|Tags: , , |Comments Off on A note from Nicole – Thursday 10-31-24

We Got This and Driftglass too on the Nicole Sandler Show – 10-29-24

     I'm doing my best to dig out of the anxiety that's sidelined me for the past few days. Today, we'll share some encouraging words from one of my favorite OG bloggers, the inimitable Driftglass (who's also celebrating a birthday this week!!) Read Driftglass at driftglass.blogspot.com, and hear him and his wife BlueGal Fran on the Professional Left Podcast too! And because it is so good and everyone should see and hear this, the latest from The Marsh Family! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY_8WzcHqMQ   And here's today's show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fl4KBunSoE

By |October 29th, 2024|Tags: , , |Comments Off on We Got This and Driftglass too on the Nicole Sandler Show – 10-29-24

Emptywheel Fridays with 12 Days to Go on the Nicole Sandler Show – 10-25-24

We are in the final stretch of the race to November 5 and the head off a disaster too frightening for most of us to contemplate. I know that my stress and anxiety levels are where they were eight years ago again... a feeling I had hoped I'd never again experience. Perhaps I can take small solace in knowing that I'm not alone. And one of the best pep talks about defeating despair comes directly from the one woman who can make pulling back from the brink of doom, VP Kamala Harris herself, with an assist from Maria [...]

By |October 25th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Emptywheel Fridays with 12 Days to Go on the Nicole Sandler Show – 10-25-24

Thom Hartmann & The American Dream (or Nightmare) on the Nicole Sandler Show 10-23-24

    The interminable election season of 2024 will end in less than two weeks and then all bets are off. The future is so uncertain that no one can tell you what will happen. If they do, they're lying, though that's nothing new for one of the major political parties vying for control. If you're not nervous about it, you're not paying attention. With so much at stake, we have a busy show today. Voting is underway in most states. Some of us have already completed and returned our ballots, while others are procrastinating. Although I can't understand how [...]

By |October 23rd, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Thom Hartmann & The American Dream (or Nightmare) on the Nicole Sandler Show 10-23-24

Thursdays with Down with Tyranny ‘s Howie Klein on the Nicole Sandler Show – 10-17-24

   The end of this seemingly interminable election season is in sight... less than three weeks away. As important as it is to elect Kamala Harris & Time Walz as POTUS & VPOTUS, it's just as important to give them a Democratic controlled Congress so they can actually get meaningful work done. Today's Thursday, so we'll talk with Howie Klein of Down with Tyranny and the Blue America PAC about those congressional races and see how the Blue America-endorsed candidates are faring, and remind you who they are so you can vote for them too. Blue America now has [...]

By |October 17th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Thursdays with Down with Tyranny ‘s Howie Klein on the Nicole Sandler Show – 10-17-24

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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