Proof that hypocritical GOP cares nothing about protecting us from ISIS

For years, Rachel Maddow has been reporting on the willful obstructionism of Republican Congress members on all kinds of Democratic bills and, of course, any and all things proposed by President Obama. And with each GOP block, we Dems have become angrier and more frustrated. But now.I mean.Come on.Now. Now it's deadly serious. Now it's even more urgent.Now it's a matter of national security.The hypocrisy on the right is jaw-droppingly, stupidly, nauseatingly blatant, especially in light of all their chest pounding, big "tough" talk, belittling of President Obama's policies, faux bravado, threats, and misguided compulsion to "carpet bomb" Daesh (AKA ISIS, Islamic [...]

By |December 11th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Proof that hypocritical GOP cares nothing about protecting us from ISIS

No “news” media, Jeb Bush did not have a “gaffe-free” European tour

Here is how the Los Angeles Times framed Jebya Bush's effort to look presidential by taking a Very Important trip overseas to prove his global cred: Jeb Bush makes it through Europe unscathed, if not more popular at home Here is the first paragraph of that "news" report: When he flies home from here Saturday, Jeb Bush can boast that his ripple-free trip to three European nations this week proved he is capable of striding without stumbling on a global stage. Here is how the L.A. Times ended their story: To the extent Bush needed a whiff of fresh air and [...]

ND oil boom by-product: Meth, heroin, guns, addicted babies at Indian reservation

Rachel Maddow did her usual thorough job of explaining how North Dakota's oil boom has affected the environment. And by affected I mean utterly destroyed. And by environment I mean wildlife, rivers, water supplies, homes, and human lives: "It was carrying Bakken crude oil..." Bakken oil has had another devastating effect on North Dakota that nobody else is talking about. Please read the entire article, but to give you a taste (and a major headache), here are a few excerpts from the Los Angeles Times explaining how a "once-isolated" Indian reservation is now dealing with a whole lot more than [...]

By |February 22nd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on ND oil boom by-product: Meth, heroin, guns, addicted babies at Indian reservation

Vietnam veteran: “When did we become a nation of such panic?”

On the front page of my morning Los Angeles Times was this headline: White House grapples with limits of air campaign against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Seems we need more assistance than we're getting in order to stop ISIS in its tracks. Quelle surprise. Then I read and watched the latest breaking news on Ebola. Between those scary accounts and GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter's lies about !!! TEN ISIS FIGHTERS !!! having crossed the Mexican border RIGHT INTO TEXAS, USA!! it dawned on the GOP to blame President Obama for his lack of feck and obvious schemes to fulfill his dreams of [...]

Voting rights gutted in #WI: “Judicially imposed chaos.”

Last night, Rachel Maddow laid out disturbing Wisconsin Voter ID Law details. Republicans resort to cheating, gerrymandering, and voter suppression because they have nothing to run on. They've been on the losing side of the issues, their congressional leaders rely on obstruction rather than legislation, and their state legislators and governors eliminate voting rights in order to eliminate Democratic voters. They continue to be the party of discrimination. Rachel: Wisconsin is a state that has never had a documented case of voter fraud by way of impersonation... That's the kind of voter fraud that would, conceivably, be put off, deterred, stopped by [...]

We’re paying a cowardly Congress to do nothing as bombs drop

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy As long as Rachel Maddow continues to spotlight Congress's disappearing act, I'll continue to post her rants. Above is her latest. Our Congress has not nearly as much interest (as the UK) in this matter. [Boehner] doesn't want this existing Congress to debate military action, he wants it to be the new one, the next Congress, as in, "the one that isn't elected yet" that will convene next year in 2015. Now that the war has started in Iraq and Syria, and they say it will be a years-long [...]

“There’s a reason Congress repulses the people of the U.S.” (VIDEO)

A few days ago, I posted this: “It’s starting to look like an Iraq War.” Where’s Congress? Rachel Maddow picked up where that left off. She was reporting on the Senate's passage of expanding the training of Syrian rebels. Then she got a little sidetracked, and for good reason. VERY good reason: And in completely unrelated news, the United States military continues to wage a war against ISIS... Congress has yet to say anything about that use of force by the U.S. military in Iraq, let alone the 1600 American troops that have been deployed back to Iraq to take part in [...]

“It’s starting to look like an Iraq War.” Where’s Congress?

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Watch and listen carefully. Rachel Maddow lays out exactly what we're up against in this "fight against ISIS" that, per new polls, Americans have started to support. But ISIS has anti-aircraft artillery. The group upon which we're dropping bombs inside Iraq? They have anti-aircraft weapons. That means pilots and crews who are dropping bombs are at risk. P.S. and by the way, this is not being called "combat," yet pilots and crews fighting ISIS can be shot down. Rachel: So politically, it may be very convenient to say [...]

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