Americans shouldn’t have to babysit — or ‘normalize’ — their president #NotNormal

Today's Los Angeles Times letters to the editor, because our voices matter: So we are now charged with babysitting the president? You must be kidding me. (“Let's normalize Trump,” Opinion, March 14) Normalizing President Trump will only enable him and his administration to enact their agenda and destroy our country. Have we not seen this with the totally inept first travel ban and the horrendous healthcare bill, which will enrich the top earners and strip millions of insurance coverage? Dan McLaughlin’s statement, “Some of the ways he’s not normal are good: He has open contempt for the swamp of D.C.,” [...]

By |March 17th, 2017|Tags: , |Comments Off on Americans shouldn’t have to babysit — or ‘normalize’ — their president #NotNormal

“Republicans complain the pushback against Trump is ‘unprecedented.’ Are they serious?”

Today's Los Angeles Times letter to the editor, because our voices matter: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has accused the Democrats of unprecedented obstructionism because they were performing their constitutional duties of asking for financial and ethical screening of Cabinet nominees. This is another outrageous example of the Republicans’ assault on the truth. (“Republicans in Congress gambled on Trump and won. Here's why they're worried now,” Feb. 17) Have we forgotten that right when President Obama took office in 2009, the Republican leadership in Congress planned a no-honeymoon strategy of all-out resistance to Obama, even though the country was [...]

By |February 22nd, 2017|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on “Republicans complain the pushback against Trump is ‘unprecedented.’ Are they serious?”

Trump sees dead voters

(via When I opened my Los Angeles Times today, I spotted a letter written by someone I knew when I was a teeny tiny kid. He grew up to be awfully smart, as you'll see below. Trump has made much of how "voter fraud" (which is virtually non-existent) will hand the ("rigged!!!") presidential election over to Hillary because... everyone, but everyone, is conspiring against Don-Don. Everyone. In the whole wide world. (Reality check: Voter suppression is a much bigger problem than voter fraud.) As so many do, my very informed, very cool childhood friend set the Ignoramus in Chief straight. Here [...]

“I’ll simply start a new religion against discrimination in order to get an exemption.”

Why in the world should bigots have any legal right to discriminate against anyone based on their religious beliefs? These are beliefs, nothing more. Feel free to believe anything you want-- in private-- but nobody should be able to justify bigotry in the name of religion. What kind of god do these people believe in that allows them to enforce their holier-than-thou brand of injustice on their fellow human beings? Whatever happened to "do unto others"? Whatever happened to civil rights and equality? Oh yeah, this is America. What am I thinking? The letters below nail it. The second one makes me want [...]

The ugly Bush stain: “It’s not too soon to judge. It’s far, far too late.”

Please stop what you're doing for a minute and read  "It's not too soon to judge George W. Bush's presidency on key issues," an L.A. Times Op-Ed from Feb. 5. See that vile little reminder above? That "Ugly Bush Stain" image is one I've used repeatedly over the past few years, and its impact is reflected in today's Los Angeles Times letter to the editor... because our voices matter: It's about time that someone published what many Americans thought at the time and continue to think today: Bush was a disaster. His legacy will be a stain upon the United States for generations to [...]

“Children need to be protected from the measles– and from politicians who speak as scientists.”

Anti-vaxxers continue to amaze and appall. Hence, today's Los Angeles Times letters to the editor, because our voices matter: It has been reported that Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey believes parents should have some choice about vaccinating their children and that Rep. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) believes vaccines should be voluntary. Both of these statements by presumptive would-be presidents promote fear mongering and help the anti-vaccination movement. The supposed connection between autism and the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine reported by disgraced British physician Andrew Wakefield in 1998 has been retracted and thoroughly debunked. For 62 years I have taken [...]

“Maybe as a society we value a dog’s life more than a human life.” #antivaxxers

Regular readers and listeners know at least three things about me: 1. I love posting letters to the editor, because our voices matter. 2. I resent anti-vaxxers with the passion of eleventy billion white hot suns. 3. I do not tolerate idiocy well, if at all. For those of you who may have missed this post, please give it a read. I'll wait: My doctor’s kickass LA Times letter: “Ignorance cannot dictate public health.” Are you back already? Good, now check out this L.A. Times letter to the editor: My child is a student at Waldorf School of Orange County, and [...]

“Whoever thought that conservatives were really utopians?” #GOPdelusion

Image via Who remembers the 2012 tea party debate at which Ron Paul was asked by Wolf Blitzer: “Congressman, are you saying that society should just let [an uninsured 30-year-old man in coma] die?” (some audience members shouted “Yeah!”). Paul's reply?  “We’ve given up on this whole concept that we might take care of ourselves or assume responsibility for ourselves. Our neighbors, our friends, our churches would do it." Delusional much? I can't even get my neighbor to stop her dog from peeing on my grass, let alone convince her to give me a helping hand should I ever fall [...]

“Every time you vote Republican, you probably are voting against your self-interest.” #CitizensUnited

Michael Hiltzik is a top notch columnist, and some of his readers who commented on a recent Los Angeles Times post of his apparently agree. He wrote about something that is destroying what's left of our democracy: Campaign finance, specifically the Supreme Court Citizens United decision that legally transformed corporations into people: In the wake of Citizens United, the voice of the ordinary citizen has all but disappeared from Capitol Hill. It doesn't matter whether the donors are Democrats or Republicans; money becomes a political interest on its own. Nor is it a virtue of Citizens United that it took contribution limits [...]

By |January 27th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Every time you vote Republican, you probably are voting against your self-interest.” #CitizensUnited

Using pro-forced birther “logic,” we’re all corpses

In the Sunday edition of the Los Angeles Times, a letter to the editor about the right to choose nailed it, as did Lizz Winstead's tweets. They both address a popular, but faulty, talking point, one with which I get bombarded every time I post anything on abortion rights, specifically that a fetus is not a child. The typical reaction from pro-forced birthers is something like, "Oh, so you support killing a child! Murderer!" Well, no. See, a blastocyst is not a person, feti are not children, and embryos don't vote... yet. However, I'm sure the GOP House majority will continue [...]

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