A crazy-quick, easy way to express your opposition to Trump #Resist

Are you as sickened, outraged, frustrated, worried, and as determined to effect change as I've been since November? Feeling a little helpless, a lot exhausted, discouraged, at a total loss? Want to let your elected officials know exactly how you're feeling, offer them a suggestion or twelve whenever you get the urge? Wondering how to use your voice effectively? Ever wish you could make even the tiniest difference without so much as getting out of bed? Yeah, me too. There are so many ways one can be pro-active, even if you're physically or financially unable to participate in ways you [...]

By |March 20th, 2017|Tags: , , |Comments Off on A crazy-quick, easy way to express your opposition to Trump #Resist

Proof that hypocritical GOP cares nothing about protecting us from ISIS

For years, Rachel Maddow has been reporting on the willful obstructionism of Republican Congress members on all kinds of Democratic bills and, of course, any and all things proposed by President Obama. And with each GOP block, we Dems have become angrier and more frustrated. But now.I mean.Come on.Now. Now it's deadly serious. Now it's even more urgent.Now it's a matter of national security.The hypocrisy on the right is jaw-droppingly, stupidly, nauseatingly blatant, especially in light of all their chest pounding, big "tough" talk, belittling of President Obama's policies, faux bravado, threats, and misguided compulsion to "carpet bomb" Daesh (AKA ISIS, Islamic [...]

By |December 11th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Proof that hypocritical GOP cares nothing about protecting us from ISIS

This IS Your Grandma’s Weed, says 85 y/o GOP Fan of Legalization

  Love us a good Grandma defending, growing, selling or using The Herbal Remedy story. "It's not Republican to support prohibition," says Houston granny and recently widowed marijuana activist Ann Lee. Who happens to be 85 and vote Republican. [Or used to, time will tell.] As this article and video

New Ice Age: “The tropical winds of compromise appear to have been eaten by El Nino.”

Another snark-filled guest post by the one, the only Will Durst: THE NEW ICE AGE “And that’s it for sports.” “Thank you Robert for the fascinating premier of your exclusive in- depth Channel 7, twelve- part series on underinflated balls, Can’t wait to see what balls you have for us tomorrow. And now, here’s Wayne with our exclusive Channel 7 Eyewitness Weather and your new up- to- the- minute national weather report, brought to you by Easy- the drug that will make you never wonder why. Ever again.” “Well, thanks Padma. Hello Foggy Bottom. Batten down the hatches people, because it’s [...]

By |January 28th, 2015|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on New Ice Age: “The tropical winds of compromise appear to have been eaten by El Nino.”

What I will not write about today: Infuriating news + snark chaser

Sometimes I get so frustrated and/or disheartened and/or annoyed by some of the news stories of the day that I can’t bring myself to write about them. Here are a few recent reports that made my blood pressure hit the roof. I am avoiding delving into them at length out of concern for my physical and mental health. CIA torture report not likely to result in reforms or prosecutions: "The Justice Department has cast the matter as a closed case... Federal prosecutors will not reopen their investigation of whether criminal laws were broken by CIA guards and interrogators for mistreating [...]

“The big winners were the Koch brothers, Karl Rove and their colleagues.”

I read a tweet the other day that said the winners of the midterm elections were black lung and poverty. I've been too frustrated, disappointed, disheartened, and plain old angry to write up my feelings about the election outcome. I won't give up fighting for what's right (meaning, left), but right now I'm in no mood to put my thoughts down, because concentrating that hard on a topic that infuriates me that much will just intensify my feelings. Besides, I am trying my best to obey my doctor's orders and de-stress as much as possible. So instead, here are today's Los [...]

The GOP Systematically Defunded America Into Unpreparedness

  Now we know what happens when we elect spite and ignorance to Congress and beyond. If you had to guess how many upper echelon, budget-busting hospital beds were open for infectious disease treatment across the country, would it be fairly accurate given how much we have learned about Ebola these last weeks? I'd have estimated at least two or three hundred beds/high tech suites and appropriate staff, nationally. Damn. I'd have been off by a heart-stopping amount, as Rachel Maddow informed us this week … there are, in fact, a total of ten such beds. And four are presently [...]

To those considering sitting out the November elections…

The Los Angeles Times letter to the editor below illustrates the stark differences between Democrats and Republicans. My frustration, anxiety, and concern have grown recently as the number of polls showing the chances of a GOP Senate takeover have increased. If Dems and Independents don't get their asses to the polls, those predictions will become a reality. And that reality will spawn more realities, scary ones, that will make the mess this country is in now look like paradise. So before deciding to sit out the elections in November, please think again: Like what happened to abortion clinics in Texas? Then don't vote. [...]

We’re paying a cowardly Congress to do nothing as bombs drop

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy As long as Rachel Maddow continues to spotlight Congress's disappearing act, I'll continue to post her rants. Above is her latest. Our Congress has not nearly as much interest (as the UK) in this matter. [Boehner] doesn't want this existing Congress to debate military action, he wants it to be the new one, the next Congress, as in, "the one that isn't elected yet" that will convene next year in 2015. Now that the war has started in Iraq and Syria, and they say it will be a years-long [...]

“There’s a reason Congress repulses the people of the U.S.” (VIDEO)

A few days ago, I posted this: “It’s starting to look like an Iraq War.” Where’s Congress? Rachel Maddow picked up where that left off. She was reporting on the Senate's passage of expanding the training of Syrian rebels. Then she got a little sidetracked, and for good reason. VERY good reason: And in completely unrelated news, the United States military continues to wage a war against ISIS... Congress has yet to say anything about that use of force by the U.S. military in Iraq, let alone the 1600 American troops that have been deployed back to Iraq to take part in [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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