12-18-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Lisa Graves on the Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law

Click to play, right click the download button and save as to save, or scroll down to watch   https://media.zencastr.com/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/04d5afbd-f143-4a7d-b537-e85f21acff7c.mp3     It's the last week before Christmas and we're still here. With a lot of legal issues popping up on Friday and in our near future, I thought today would be a great day to invite Lisa Graves back to the show. Lisa has those legal bona fides -- she served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Policy Development/Legal Policy at the U.S. Department of Justice under Attorneys General Janet Reno and John Ashcroft, Chief Counsel [...]

By |December 18th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 12-18-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Lisa Graves on the Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law

5-4-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Free The Press-OR- We’re #45!

  https://media.zencastr.com/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/1463456e-b6cc-4a0f-b3d3-8e292f81dd0f.mp3   Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode, scroll down for the video version Freedom of the Press is such an important pillar of a democracy that it's enshrined in the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Here in the so-called land of the free, we pride ourselves on our freedoms. So would it surprise you to learn that the US came in at a barely respectable 45th place in the 2023 World Press Freedom Index? This year's rankings were released yesterday. I'm joined by Clayton Weimers, director of [...]

By |May 4th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5-4-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Free The Press-OR- We’re #45!

2-2-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Really Bad Reality TV

It's Thursday, so Howie Klein was with us. Before the show, he joked on Twitter No, I'm not going to discuss the $1.6 billion bribe to Trump on @nicolesandler's show today-- unless she forces the issue. https://t.co/8GpW6hAEgS — Howie Klein (@downwithtyranny) February 2, 2017 When I asked him about that, his mood changed as he explained that he received a threatening phone call telling him to take down that post. The call came from an unknown person, to his unlisted number. These are scary times. But as Howie reminded us, last week, 35% of Americans said they already wanted to [...]

By |February 2nd, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-2-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Really Bad Reality TV

High Time For That Autumn Bernie Bump?

Bernie Sanders with Zephyr Teachout in New Paltz, N.Y. on Friday. Ms. Teachout is running for the House of Representatives. NY Times.  Are we all in love again yet?Come ON?! We are well under fifty days out here progressive peoples!Must be time for an injection of Bernie.The New York Times reports that from Zephyr Teachout to HRC, The Bern has his groove back and is uber-rebooted for the final round.NEW PALTZ, N.Y. — This crunchy college town, between the Hudson River and the Catskill Mountains, feels like an ideal place for a Woodstock attendee to retire. Amble down Main [...]

8-6-14 Nicole Sandler Show – I’m in a New York State of Mind

  I was born in New York City, and lived in Queens until my family moved to Florida on the day I finished 6th grade. After graduating from the University of South Florida, I moved back to New York, working in radio there for five years (until a relationship brought me to Los Angeles- a story for another day). I love New York, and will always consider it, in some sense, home. I also adored Governor Mario Cuomo. The picture above was taken in 1984 or 1985, when I produced a monthly statewide "Ask the Governor" radio show. (Another aside: [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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