Some Media Gets It Right with Will Bunch on the Nicole Sandler Show – 7-9-24

     We've been inundated with journalistic malpractice as much of the corporate media has led the charge to destroy President Biden's candidacy. I've certainly criticized the NY Times, Wall St Journal, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and more than a few *pundits* who are attempting to lead the masses down a disastrous road. Today, I'm going to salute some who are being responsible, like the Philadephia Inquirer who published an editorial calling on D'ump to leave the race, and Inquirer National Columnist WILL BUNCH - today's guest - who writes in his latest column, "I will support whatever approach [...]

By |July 9th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Some Media Gets It Right with Will Bunch on the Nicole Sandler Show – 7-9-24

12-5-23 Nicole Sandler Show – A Bunch of News with Will Bunch

  Click the player to listen, right click the button below and "save as" to download and save, or scroll down for the video   The Philadelphia Inquirer's Will Bunch joins us today. I invited him on after reading his column about the death of Henry Kissinger and how the man who finally died would have likely applauded MSNBC firing Mehdi Hasan. Selfishly, I want to point out that Mehdi's not the only one who had a show canceled because management (or some other entity) didn't like his stance or coverage of the war between Hamas & Israel... But [...]

By |December 5th, 2023|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 12-5-23 Nicole Sandler Show – A Bunch of News with Will Bunch

8-30-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Wednesday with Will and Some Good News Too

  View on Zencastr Right click & save as to download and save the podcast Will Bunch regularly writes columns for the Philadelphia Inquirer that you should read. But he knocked one out of the park this week with the one headlined, "Journalism fails miserably at explaining what is really happening to America". (If the paywall caught you, scroll down to below the video of today's show) Will joins me at the bottom of the hour for a much needed dialog. But first, some good news to share, along with some not-so-good news too and an important milestone in my [...]

By |August 30th, 2023|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 8-30-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Wednesday with Will and Some Good News Too

5-30-23 Nicole Sandler Show – A Post-Holiday Weekend Update with Will Bunch   The first day back after a long holiday weekend is always tough. But here we are. News was made while America was using the day set aside to remember those lost in battle to buy mattresses and gorge themselves on food and beer. OK, I'm over-generalizing, but we really do need to step back and assess our priorities from time to time. And this would be a good time to do that. With the debt ceiling negotiations ongoing as the holiday weekend began, I was taken aback that the so-called cable news channel MSNBC opted to run [...]

By |May 30th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5-30-23 Nicole Sandler Show – A Post-Holiday Weekend Update with Will Bunch

1-11-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Wednesday with Will Bunch   Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode   The wingnuts controlling the House are giving us a preview of what we can expect from the next two years and it won't be pretty. I'll begin the show today with a brief recap of the House shenanigans and floor speeches and a bit of the news of the day. And then we'll be joined by Will Bunch, columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer. Will was supposed to be here last Wednesday... but he will be here today. I think! (He [...]

By |January 11th, 2023|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 1-11-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Wednesday with Will Bunch

8-8-22 Nicole Sandler Show – College Cost-Benefit Analysis with Will Bunch

  Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   Will Bunch, the Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer has a brand new book out dealing with the ridiculous costs of higher education here in the US. It's called "After the Ivory Tower: How College Broke the American Dream and Blew Up our Politics--And How to Fix it". He joins me today for a loose cost/benefit analysis. I still struggle with the fact that my daughter did not go to college, as I couldn't afford to send her and [...]

By |August 9th, 2022|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 8-8-22 Nicole Sandler Show – College Cost-Benefit Analysis with Will Bunch

3-29-22 Nicole Sandler Show – So Much Worse than Watergate with Will Bunch

  Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   Will Bunch is today's guest. He's a national columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Watergate, a political scandal that brought down a president. For the past 50 years, Watergate was held up as the example of the worst of America, and every scandal was positioned in relation to Watergate. Will Bunch is a Watergate junkie. He's my age, so he was only around 12 or 13 when the hearings were everywhere. He says he raced [...]

By |March 29th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 3-29-22 Nicole Sandler Show – So Much Worse than Watergate with Will Bunch

12-15-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Will Bunch Wednesday (and Ryan Grim Too)

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   It's Wednesday, 10 days before Christmas, and it's clear that Congress wants to go home for the holidays as they're getting a lot of work done. Debt ceiling - check. NDAA - (unfortunately) check. Funding the government - (through mid Feb anyway) check. But wait. There's more! We should be on high alert and no one should be allowed to leave DC before the Right to Vote bill and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act are passed and signed in to [...]

By |December 15th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 12-15-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Will Bunch Wednesday (and Ryan Grim Too)

8-11-21 Nicole Sandler Show – A Bunch O’ News with Will Bunch

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!) Yesterday was probably the busiest news day on a Tuesday in August that I can remember. So we have a lot of ground to cover today. It's been a while since we've checked in with Will Bunch. He's a national columnist at the Philadelphia Inquirer.  Will's latest column touches on the devastating IPCC Climate Report, the new revelations about how close Trump came to a successful coup, the first testimony heard by the special select committee on January 6 and more. I'll also [...]

By |August 11th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-11-21 Nicole Sandler Show – A Bunch O’ News with Will Bunch

4-5-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Monday Mess with Will Bunch

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   Another week begins with a slew of news happening... starting with MLB pulling the Allstars Game from Atlanta due to Georgia's new voter suppression laws, which is apparently a very big deal. Floriduh is in the news again as a wastewater reservoir with radioactive water just off Tampa Bay is about to fail. FL Gov DeSantis and Congressman Matt Gaetz both under fire, for different reasons. Trump's reprehensible scam of donors was revealed, as were the 530,000 refunds of over $64 million [...]

By |April 5th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-5-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Monday Mess with Will Bunch

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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