High Time For That Autumn Bernie Bump?

Bernie Sanders with Zephyr Teachout in New Paltz, N.Y. on Friday. Ms. Teachout is running for the House of Representatives. NY Times.  Are we all in love again yet?Come ON?! We are well under fifty days out here progressive peoples!Must be time for an injection of Bernie.The New York Times reports that from Zephyr Teachout to HRC, The Bern has his groove back and is uber-rebooted for the final round.NEW PALTZ, N.Y. — This crunchy college town, between the Hudson River and the Catskill Mountains, feels like an ideal place for a Woodstock attendee to retire. Amble down Main [...]

Race and Gender, Meet Modern Guns, Gays and Bibles #OurRevolution

  Guns, Bibles and gays. For those of us who can remember the Johnson-Nixonian era of racial ignorance and nativist pearl clutching (make that pearl-handled derringer clutching for the helpless dames), this decade is ringing in far too many memories of a deliberately divided and globally embarrassing nation at war with itself and it's own liberty. There is some serious work to be done in some 48 days. The update of the Guns, Bibles and gays triangulation is potentially lethal, people. We believed that was as self-sickened a culture as we could imagine, following on the tarred heels of Jim Crow, [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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