Using pro-forced birther “logic,” we’re all corpses

In the Sunday edition of the Los Angeles Times, a letter to the editor about the right to choose nailed it, as did Lizz Winstead's tweets. They both address a popular, but faulty, talking point, one with which I get bombarded every time I post anything on abortion rights, specifically that a fetus is not a child. The typical reaction from pro-forced birthers is something like, "Oh, so you support killing a child! Murderer!" Well, no. See, a blastocyst is not a person, feti are not children, and embryos don't vote... yet. However, I'm sure the GOP House majority will continue [...]

Lizz Free or Health Care for All

Listen to this episode: {play} {/play} Podcast: Play in new window I'm still trying to figure out how making sure that all Americans have access to affordable health care will cost us our freedom.  Even though I spend most of yesterday's Randi Rhodes Show asking for an explanation, none was forthcoming from the few courageous right wingers who dared call in to the show.  I'll ask again today.  You never know!  (Randi will return tomorrow) On my show this morning, I spoke with Dr. Margaret Flowers, noted single payer healthcare advocate, spokesperson for Physicians for a National Health Program, who [...]

By |July 11th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Lizz Free or Health Care for All

April Fools

It is April Fools Day and, to celebrate, I've invited some of the best political comics to join me on today's Randi Rhodes Show. But before we get to the line-up, allow me to share with you some of today's news items that should be April Fools pranks but, unfortunately, are not... The DUH is emphasized in Florida, as a democrat is chastised on the House floor for daring to utter the work "uterus." Mike Huckabee suggests that we'd be in a better place if only all Americans were forced, at gunpoint, to be indoctrinated by listening to some right [...]

The Revolution Is Televised

Yesterday I was a bit in awe of the appeared to be a peaceful revolution unfolding before our eyes in Egypt. Unfortunately, it's no longer peaceful.  All accounts point to the pro-Mubarak faction as being paid thugs, and their actions set in motion by the Mubarak regime. Sharif Kouddous, the senior producer for Democracy Now, just tweeted I can't get back in to Tahrir. Mubarakite thugs have created a riot at the main entrance. Very hostile asmosphere. What has been fascinating and even somewhat uplifting to watch may soon descend into something very difficult to watch.  But, contrary to what [...]

By |February 2nd, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The Revolution Is Televised

Counting down to 2011

I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas holiday. Personally, I couldn't let go of the stories shared with us on Wed and Thursday on The Randi Rhodes Show, so I spent the Christmas weekend putting together a website to help.  Please check it out at, and use it according to your needs and abilities. I'm taking a bit of a holiday from my show this week, sharing some of the highlights from the music years of my radio career.  This morning we listened to interviews with and performances by Graham Parker, Chrissie Hynde (Pretenders), Jackson Browne, Natalie Merchant and [...]

By |December 27th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Counting down to 2011

It’s Scary Out There

It's the last full day before America heads to the polls to vote at a very scary time.  And that has nothing to do with the fact that yesterday was Halloween, and that I wore the scariest costume I could think of.  (See the picture above.  Read to the bottom of the post to find out who I was.) It seems as if there's more at stake now than ever before-but the Democrats aren't a whole lot better than the Republicans, so perhaps that's what's so scary about it. I didn't go to Washington DC this weekend to attend John [...]

Weekend Laughs

Thursdays start my weekends, and we got it off to a good start today!  Mix a blogger with a journalist and a couple of comedians and me... and you've got today's show. My first guest was blogger Zerlina Maxwell, with whom I feel a bit of kinship as we both won DFA Scholarships to last summer's Netroots Nation in the same round of voting.  Zerlina blogs at This Week in Blackness and The Loop 21, where her latest piece, "Republicans Will Impeach Obama" is posted. Yesterday marked the 6 month anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon explosion.  What's that? You'd forgotten [...]

Every Voice Counts, No Matter How Small

At the end of tonight's show, I read a portion of my all-time favorite book. The thing is, Horton Hears a Who wasn't my favorite book until I became politically aware! That's when I realized what an activist Dr. Seuss was, and the fact that this supposed children's book is all about exhorting each and every one of us to speak out, loudly and strongly, for the things in which we believe. You'll hear the context if you listen through to the end of the podcast. It shouldn't be that difficult. Tonight's show was a particularly good one, even if [...]

By |March 4th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Every Voice Counts, No Matter How Small

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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