4-15-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Superdelegates Supercilious Super Powers

  Earlier this morning, I put up a guest editorial from Jennifer Nix and Mark Myers that first appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle last week. Since the paper is behind a paywall, Jen and Mark gave me permission to repost "He Said She Said: The superdelegates' outsize role." Click over and read all about the Democratic Party's very undemocratic dirty little secret (that's not so secret any more!) Jennifer Nix and Mark Myers joined me for the last half hour of today's show to try to explain the history of the superdelegate, how and when they vote, and how we might [...]

By |April 15th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-15-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Superdelegates Supercilious Super Powers

Droning On and On

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul filibusters the nomination of John Brennan to head the CIA. AP photo *** Today's ustream recording stopped after 38 minutes.  So, if you like to watch instead of listen, click the read more link below to watch the YouTube recording***  Rand Paul droned on for almost 13 hours yesterday, creating great political theater and making heads explode - on both the left and the right!  By criticizing the Obama administration's drone policy under the guise of a filibuster of the Brennan confirmation to head the CIA, Paul angered the Republicans who love the drones [...]

By |March 7th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Droning On and On

Keep On Trying

  Some people might be discouraged by the results from the Wisconsin recall elections last night.  But today I'm taking the optimistic route. The Democrats picked up two senate seats; the people of Wisconsin recalled two Republican state senators, truly changing the balance of power, and fighting back against the big corporate dollars and the heinous Citizens United Supreme Court ruling. Of course, the returns came in with a bit of controversy.  What else would you expect from the county that brought us 14,000 extra votes "discovered" on the pc of the supervisor of elections days after the last Supreme [...]

By |August 10th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Keep On Trying

Deal… or No Deal?

OK, so Obama caved. We knew he would.  He's that type of president.... unfortunately. I go back to my continuing meme of the Republican party living in some sort of opposite world, where up is down, in is out and right is always wrong (though they wouldn't agree with that last one).  The party who's been screaming about the deficit did everything they could to make sure the Bush tax cuts for the uber-rich in this country were extended... and to pay for those continue cuts they're willing to borrow from China, Russian and anyone else who'll lend the money.  [...]

No Vote No Future

We are coming down to the wire.  I'll be voting tomorrow. As the following two videos show - one using clever production techniques and scare tactics and the other using that all-too-valuable but becoming ever-scarce and somehow vilified common sense - it's time to put up or shut up. First, we look to our friends at MoveOn.org, whose RepubliCorp campaign is nothing short of brilliant.  In fact, it was in keeping with this idea that Lauren Valle had her head stomped on by a Rand Paul campaign worker when she held up a sign proclaiming Paul "RepubliCorp Employee of the [...]

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