5-10-19 Nicole Sandler Show – The ERA, GOTV, Constitutional Crisis and more

  We made it to the end of another busy week, and we have a busy show planned for today. We  begin with a visit from Carol Jenkins, co-President and CEO of the ERA Coalition and Fund for Women's Equality. She'll tell us about the first congressional hearings on the ERA in 35 years and how close we are to getting equal rights for women. Then we'll finish off the week with writer and activist Tom Sullivan, whose GOTV primer "For the Win" has been helping Democrats win races in North Carolina. He'll release it nationally in January. Find Tom's [...]

By |May 10th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5-10-19 Nicole Sandler Show – The ERA, GOTV, Constitutional Crisis and more

4-14-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Equal Pay, Constitutional Conventions and Other Fantasies

It's National Equal Pay Day, which symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. The Gliberal Goddesses gather to discuss what that means! Plus Poli Sci Professor and author Thomas Schaller on the GOP efforts toward a constitutional convention to force a balanced budget amendment and weigh in on 2016 so far.

By |April 14th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-14-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Equal Pay, Constitutional Conventions and Other Fantasies

Women Vote!

Welcome to August 26, 2014 - the 94th anniversary of the certification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in the United States. Although it's dubbed "Women's Equality Day," that's actually a misnomer, as women still have no constitutional right to equality. Although the Equal Rights Amendment was written by Alice Paul in 1923, it has yet to be ratified. But women do have the right to vote. And yes, women do vote! That was the focus of today's "Gliberal Goddesses" gathering. Every other Tuesday morning, GottaLaff of The Political Carnival, Amy Simon of She's History, [...]

A Jingoistic Fourth of July

  This week, we saw a bunch of racist assholes protesters blocking the roadway leading to an immigration processing office, holding up three buses with mostly women and children with hateful, misspelled signs while alternating between shouts of "USA, USA" with "Go Home" and "Get Out." Those Amerikkans blocked three buses with mostly children, all in the name of patriotism? Oh yeah, American exceptionalism at its best, huh? Sorry, but after witnessing scenes like this play out and after the embarrassment of riches from our Supreme Court this week, I'm ashamed to be an American. This is not the country envisioned [...]

If the Hood Fits

Wow. the truth hurts, huh? Those teabaggers can dish it out, but it seems they can't take it.  Must be the thin sheets skin. Alan Grayson's email was tame, especially compared with the vile hatred he's received since then.  When I asked what kind of response they've seen, the congressman's office sent me a sampling of some of the emails - which really underscore the fact that Grayson's analogy was spot on. From “Kip”: “Well, I would like to inform you that you are equated to a German Nazi!!! … I hope they drum your sorry a** out the next [...]

By |October 24th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on If the Hood Fits

Like a Hurricane

Listen to this episode: {play}http://traffic.libsyn.com/radioornot/20120823_Nicole_Sandler_Show_-_Like_a_Hurricane.mp3 {/play} Podcast: Play in new window This is the most recent image coming from the National Weather Service of the Five-Day track and "cone of uncertainty" for Isaac, still a Tropical Storm, but expected to be at hurricane strength when it passes by Tampa late Monday into early Tuesday. As amused as I might be by the idea of the gathering of horrific Republicans getting washed out a bit, I don't wish a devastating hurricane on anyone.   And as the path takes it right over Haiti, I'm sickened for the people there. This morning [...]

By |August 23rd, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Like a Hurricane

Right Wingers Infiltrate Netroots Nation and Make Shit Up

Listen to this episode: {play}http://traffic.libsyn.com/radioornot/20120612_Nicole_Sandler_Show_-_Darcy.mp3 {/play} Play in new window   Darcy Burner (candidate for Congress from WA-01) gave me my first goose bump moment at Netroots Nation last week.  It was during the Keynote plenary "The War on (and for) Women".   About 10 minutes into her address, after speaking about the cultural shift that now has her Republican dad speaking openly about her uncle Charlie who  "probably is gay", Darcy explained that the stories in people heads have changed. It's due to a change in the way we look at things, and become more accepting of ideas that we didn't, [...]

By |June 12th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Right Wingers Infiltrate Netroots Nation and Make Shit Up

It’s International Women’s Day. Do You Know Where Your ERA Is?

March 22 will mark 40 years since Congress ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. Unfortunately, we fell three states short of the number required to amend the Constitution to insure that no one in this country would or could be discriminated against due to their sex.  And here we are in 2012 with a war being waged by the Republican party against women. Since today is International Women's Day, I invited Roberta Francis - Chair of the ERA task force of the National Council of Women's Organizations - on the show to bring us op to day.  Although you likely haven't [...]

By |March 8th, 2012|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on It’s International Women’s Day. Do You Know Where Your ERA Is?

Earthquakes and Hurricanes and Rick Perry, Oh My!

Natural disasters all.. or I guess we could consider Rick Perry an unnatural disaster!  The latest Gallup poll has Rick Perry jumping ahead of the GOP pack after one week of declared candidacy...  He's 12 points ahead of Romney in 2nd place.  The invisible-to-the-media Ron Paul is in third, with Michelle Bachmann a distant fourth. Strange times in which we're living, huh? As bad as the current crop of candidates offered by the Republicans might be, it's still a rough road ahead for President Obama's re-election.  He has some problems... We've talked about them at length, including on Monday's Randi [...]

By |August 25th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Earthquakes and Hurricanes and Rick Perry, Oh My!

Meet My New Congressman. God Help Me!

It was Halloween 2008, four days before election day when we elected Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States.  I was dressed as the scariest figure around that year, Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin.  And I took a picture with then first-time Congressional candidate Allen West, who remains scary to this day... even moreso as he's now in the incoming class of right wing Republicans freshman Congressmen... representing ME! I was working, for two weeks, as the token liberal at WFTL, the station that's home to the bombastic Joyce Kaufman - the woman who was tapped to [...]

By |November 16th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Meet My New Congressman. God Help Me!

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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