
 CNN aired a pretty remarkable program last night.  I don't know if they're going to air it again or make it available online - so the next best thing is to watch "Should Grandma Smoke Pot?".  It was put together by Robert Platshorn, the guy behind The Silver Tour, who also holds the distinction of being imprisoned longer than any other American on marijuana charges. Yes. That familiar voice narrating the video is mine.  Robert Platshorn joined me on the show this morning to talk about the CNN special report, Weed, and to update us on the medical marijuana movement [...]

What’s Right With Congress?

If I asked "what's wrong with Congress?" we'd be here all summer.  It's easier to answer "what's right with Congress?"!  Alan Grayson! As I told him on the show this morning, I'd be far less optimistic about the future of this nation if he weren't in Congress fighting for us. According to Dave Weigel at  Slate, Grayson has gone from being the Congressman "formerly known as crazy" to "the most effective member of the House" and MSNBC agreed. What happened?  Grayson is working both sides of the aisle to get work done. “We’ve passed 31 amendments in committee so far,” [...]

Fight for 15 and Other Fabulous ‘F’ Words

  FAST FOOD FORWARD FIGHT FOR FIFTEEN It began with Fast Food Forward - NYC area fast food workers walking off the job, demanding a living wage.  It spread to Chicago, where workers decided to Fight For 15 , once again using those alliterative 'F' words to focus on funding families. In the wake of McDonald's insulting sample monthly budget  (check out page 4), the protests have continued spreading - St. Louis, Milwaukee and Detroit have seen similar strikes in recent weeks.  And this week, over the next four days, fast food workers in Flint, MI and Kansas City, MO join in [...]

Geraldo, ALEC and the Cooch

  Oh  Geraldo.  Don't you know that the internet is forever?  That is just nothing I wanted to see... but Geraldo Rivera wanted to show off his 70-year old bod, so tweeted this selfie: He later deleted it, but just as we can't "un-see" it, he can't undo it.  Yuck! While you try to get that image out of your mind, think about Melissa Harris-Perry's segment on Virginia's Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli's obsession with what you do in your bedroom.   I particularly enjoyed her hand motions every time she talks about certain sexual acts that the [...]

Who Agreed Zimmerman Said “Punks” and not “Coons”?

  Ever since I heard prosecutor John Guy misquote George Zimmerman in his shocking expletive-laced opening statement to the jury, I've been wondering why they would stipulate that the killer didn't use the racial epithet that so clearly assaults my ears each time I hit 'play'. But the first words out his mouth after saying "Good morning" to the jury, was "fucking punks". That is NOT what George Zimmerman said on that 911 call. I don't care how many "experts" say otherwise, but I've listened over and over, and hear quite clearly Zimmerman's hatred and racism seethe in his under-his-breath [...]

By |July 15th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Who Agreed Zimmerman Said “Punks” and not “Coons”?

Twenty-First Century Privacy

Thanks to the information released by Edward Snowden via The Guardian and the Washington Post, the world is now talking about super-secret surveillance that's been going on for decades.  Although the corporate media and the government would probably rather have you focus on Snowden and, to a lesser extent, Glenn Greenwald, the story is in the information that he risked his life and livelihood to expose.  Don't be distracted. Thankfully, many of us aren't falling for the ruse. On the 4th of July, a number of organizations joined forces to promote a day of rallies around the nation to Restore [...]

By |July 8th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Twenty-First Century Privacy

Get Away!

I never thought I'd quote Glenn Beck, but there's a first time for everything. The moron of mid-morning radio (and now the interwebs too) actually said something I can agree with.  Well, OK, it was only a fraction of the entire quote in which he ragged on Sen. Marco Rubio for supporting immigration reform and accused him of being a (gasp!) progressive Republican.  As a Floridian, I can promise you that there is nothing progressive about Mr. Rubio.  Anyway,  Glenny said "Get away! Get away!  Otherwise, brother, we’re going to have to send you away.” The rest of it was [...]

By |July 1st, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Get Away!

Just Another Mundane Monday

  I don't always hate Mondays, but the Monday after driving six hours in each direction to drop my kid off at camp is a day I'd rather be sleeping.  But it's such a busy week that there's little time for rest for the weary... On the road, I saw a slew of billboards for the law firm Morgan & Morgan, with Charlie Crist's face smiling down on me, reminding me that I have no clue what he stands for other than political ambition.  The former Republican governor of Florida decided to eschew a second term in order to run [...]

No More War, Please

On this day, every year, we honor and remember those who died while serving in the armed forces of the United States.  My wish on this and every other day is that no more people die in war. A young John Kerry, upon returning from Vietnam, participated in the Winter Soldier investigation to talk about the atrocities and war crimes perpetrated by our people during that war.  It's a good idea to watch Kerry's testimony, and remember his question, "Who'll be the last to die for a mistake?". Today, I hosted a special edition of my show.  On Thursday, President [...]

By |May 27th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on No More War, Please

How Many Deaths Will It Take Till We Know That Too Many People Have Died?

We celebrated my daughter's 14th birthday this weekend.  As I was flipping through the TV channels Saturday night while hearing the giggles coming from the gaggle of girls at the sleepover party in the other room, I happened upon CSPAN's live coverage of the NRA Annual meeting.  I didn't linger on the channel long enough to hear the lies and misinformation from the speaker at the podium.  But I did, for a moment, think about the 20 little ones, pictured above, who will never see 14, and realized how lucky I am to have a happy, healthy, living child. Last [...]

By |May 6th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on How Many Deaths Will It Take Till We Know That Too Many People Have Died?

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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