The NSA Knows How You Voted

I actually have no idea whether or not the NSA knows how you voted, but I thought it was a clever way to put both the NSA and the fact that today is election day into one headline. It's an off-off election year, with a few important races.  Voters in NJ will prove that they're idiots by re-electing the big bully, Chris Christie, and voters in Virginia are faced with a choice between a despicable human being and a laughable one.  But laughter is better than disgust, so the people of VA will likely hold their noses and vote for [...]

By |November 5th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on The NSA Knows How You Voted

Who Agreed Zimmerman Said “Punks” and not “Coons”?

  Ever since I heard prosecutor John Guy misquote George Zimmerman in his shocking expletive-laced opening statement to the jury, I've been wondering why they would stipulate that the killer didn't use the racial epithet that so clearly assaults my ears each time I hit 'play'. But the first words out his mouth after saying "Good morning" to the jury, was "fucking punks". That is NOT what George Zimmerman said on that 911 call. I don't care how many "experts" say otherwise, but I've listened over and over, and hear quite clearly Zimmerman's hatred and racism seethe in his under-his-breath [...]

By |July 15th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Who Agreed Zimmerman Said “Punks” and not “Coons”?

San Jose Bound

The annual gathering of the online pinko/commie community is just about upon us - and I need it now more than ever.  Yes, I'm one disillusioned liberal.  Perhaps a few days of socializing and socialism is just what the Obamacare doctor ordered. This morning, just to get pumped up for the conference, I spoke with Netroots Nation Director of Communications and Media, Mary Rickles.  If you're following along from at home, you can check out this guide to the live streaming...  (or just come back, as I'll have the live streams embedded here too). In the second hour, I spoke [...]

Leaks, Laffs and more in between

One of the first things I saw this morning was a tweet from The Nation's Greg Mitchell about a leak of the audio of Bradley Manning's testimony from his pre-trial hearing held a couple of weeks ago. Just out: Audio of Bradley Manning's court statement, one hour long, leaked and now — Greg Mitchell (@GregMitch) March 12, 2013 A leak of the leaker.  Perfect. I followed this link to the Freedom of the Press Foundation page that published the audio, along with the YouTube video (below)  I shared on the show this morning, and an explanation of why they [...]

By |March 12th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Leaks, Laffs and more in between

Why Aren’t We Talking About Drones?

  That's one of the questions I asked Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin on the show this morning.  It was actually an inaccurate question, as she certainly is.  Her new book is called Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control and, as usual, she's on the road out and about protesting against all the things that are wrong with our nation... from unjust wars to environmental ruin and beyond. We talked about Medea's surprising but wonderful appearance protesting at Wayne LaPierre's sickening "press conference" after the Newtown massacre, President Obama's nominee for CIA director John Brennan and his complicity in torture and [...]

Mitt, Manning & Matthews

Listen to this episode: {play} {/play} Podcast: Play in new window   I'm a little under the weather (and Nicole Belle had to take a week off from our regular Monday morning Fools on the Hill segment), so we finished today's show with a trip in the Wayback Machine to November 9, 2007.  It was a year away from the 2008 election.  I was hosting the morning show at then-progressive talk 940 WINZ in Miami and, that morning, hosted my first and only interview with Chris Matthews.  He was having so much fun that he stayed on for an extra [...]

By |July 16th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Mitt, Manning & Matthews

I Take a Day Off, and All Hell Breaks Loose!

I take one morning off and everything goes insane!  Seriously, as I watched a parade of ridiculous events transpire Tuesday afternoon and evening, all I could think was that it figures, I'd be off the air the following day. So, today's show began with a recap of the madness... First, Rick "Frothy" Santorum pulls out - of the presidential race, that is.  Aww shucks, sorry to see his campaign come to an end (or not). Then, George W. Bush emerged from the shadows to remind us of his lack of brains.  One direct quote: "If you raise taxes [...]

By |April 12th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on I Take a Day Off, and All Hell Breaks Loose!

One Year Later-Do You Know Where Your Health Care Is?

One year ago today, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (or as the Republicans call it "the Job-Killing Health Care Bill) into law.  Unfortunately, a year later, the most helpful aspects of the law have yet to take effect. In fact, it'll be another three years before the exchange - which would allow us all, regardless of pre-existing condition, to buy insurance - is up and running. This dubious anniversary comes as I'm still reeling from a tooth extraction and its costs, both physically and financially. As someone with a few of those pesky pre-existing conditions, I pay an [...]

Humanitarian Crisis Here At Home!

So the war mongers are saying we need to engage militarily in Libya because of the humanitarian crisis that’s underway. Really? What about the humanitarian crises of a similar nature in Bahrain, Yemen and Sudan? (Answer: those countries don’t have oil we want.) And how about the humanitarian crisis here at home? People are dying from neglect.Probably because we don’t have they oil they want either. The people elected to positions of power, who each take an oath to protect (among other things) the domestic tranquility are surely shirking their responsibilities on that one. As I was suffering with a [...]

DC Date Night

Who will  your Congressional representatives will be sitting with tonight? Methinks that more attention will be focused on who is sitting with whom than what President Obama is saying as he delivers his State of the Union address tonight. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing... Although I don't expect any great revelations from our president, I am heartened to learn that he will not endorse the idea of raising the age for Social Security or making cuts to Medicare, as his "deficit commission" recommended.  We can expect lots of moving forward (lean forward?) talk.  Perhaps those are the words [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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