5-3-19 Nicole Sandler Show -Wrapping Up the Week with Code Pink and Digby

It's the end of another week in Trump's America, and the world is suffering because of it. Obviously, I'm in another bit of a mood today. Thankfully, Heather "Digby" Parton is here today to help try to make sense of the utterly sense-less. We'll also speak with Code Pink director and co-founder Jodie Evans, who's been at the Venezuelan embassy in Washington DC where a standoff is happening between the pro-Guaido forces and the people who believe the Venezuelans should control their own destiny. What we understand is that it's not that simple. We'll try to get to the bottom [...]

By |May 3rd, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5-3-19 Nicole Sandler Show -Wrapping Up the Week with Code Pink and Digby

1-30-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Low Life Scum

It's Protest Friday as Nicole Sandler looks at the nearly extinct First Amendment right to peaceably protest with activists Kevin Zeese and Medea Benjamin, both of whom were exercising their rights this week. Nicole's Tom Petty interview from April 1999 is today's Flashback Friday feature!

By |January 30th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-30-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Low Life Scum

No More War, Please

On this day, every year, we honor and remember those who died while serving in the armed forces of the United States.  My wish on this and every other day is that no more people die in war. A young John Kerry, upon returning from Vietnam, participated in the Winter Soldier investigation to talk about the atrocities and war crimes perpetrated by our people during that war.  It's a good idea to watch Kerry's testimony, and remember his question, "Who'll be the last to die for a mistake?". Today, I hosted a special edition of my show.  On Thursday, President [...]

By |May 27th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on No More War, Please

Man Up Allen West!

Yesterday, I read the latest "newsletter" from Congressman Allen West.  It was more of a smear letter than a newsletter, but what do you expect from someone who doesn't allow people with dissenting points of view to speak at a "town hall meeting"? One of the key parts was I must share these two funny anecdotes; first was the response to a question from a woman at the Boca Raton town hall which inspired this woman to stand and shout, “That was my question and you did not answer it the way I wanted you to.” Now, if [...]

By |May 4th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Man Up Allen West!

Fighting for Freedom

Things turned very ugly in Egypt yesterday as the world watched the people fight for freedom. It's been a week of inspiration mixed with sadness and joy, and anxiety and fear for friends we've never met. Many of us here in America are reaching out to show the Egyptian people that we stand with them.  From my conversation yesterday with an employee at the Cairo Marriott (scroll down to the next post if you haven't yet heard it!) to the presence of some familiar faces in Cairo calling for peace, we realize what a small world it truly is. Medea [...]

By |February 3rd, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Fighting for Freedom

A New Era or Error

Today begins the 112th Congress...   John Boehner will usher in a new era as Speaker Weeper of the House. It should be fun to hear him say this part of his prepared speech "The American people have humbled us. They have refreshed our memories as to just how temporary the privilege to serve is. They have reminded us that everything here is on loan from them. That includes this gavel, which I accept cheerfully and gratefully, knowing I am but its caretaker." Shall we take bets on whether or not he'll be crying when he says "cheerfully?" I'm afraid [...]

Political Theater, Political Carnival & Politics As Usual

I've often said we'd be much better off if we could just get the politics out of government. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen any time soon... In recent years, Republicans have been better at political theater than the Dems, but some on the left are catching up. The Yes Men have been doing great political theater, mostly in the climate change arena. (Their latest film "The Yes Men Fix The World" is out today on DVD.) The women of Code Pink have been active in this arena too, but recently seem to have learned a thing or two about [...]

By |April 1st, 2010|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Political Theater, Political Carnival & Politics As Usual

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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