4-6-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Dick Pix Monday!

Today, Nicole talks Dick Pics with Emptywheel's Marcy Wheeler, thanks to John Oliver and his epic interview with John Oliver, talking NSA, domestic spying & the Patriot Act! Plus strategist and consultant Joel Silberman tells us about spending last week in Chicago working on the Chuy Garcia campaign for Mayor! And more news, info and snark...

Broken News

With one week till election day 2014, Nicole Sandler takes a look at what's at stake. Sadly, the prospect of reasonable gun laws in the first national election following the Newtown massacre and just days after yet another school shooting are virtually absent from the nation's ballots, as The Nation's George Zornick tells us. Plus, a nuclear accident in Illinois that the mainstream corporate media is silent about!

You Came, So I Built It!

I said that if enough listeners wanted it, I'd expand the show and do a live program on Fridays. You asked, so here we are. The Friday program will be a little different... we'll look back at the week that was, open the phones for anything you want to talk about, and end the week with a gem from my music radio archives. My morning today began with my usual routine, reading my emails. I came upon an essay sent to me by a friend who wrote it and posted it on his personal blog. It was so moving and [...]

Secrets and Lies

Last night, NBC aired Brian Williams' interview with Edward Snowden, recorded last week in Moscow. I think he made a really convincing case for himself, answering a lot of the questions that have been hovering since his first revelations were published last year. Unfortunately, today's show was jam packed, so we didn't have much time to delve into it. We'll do that tomorrow on another special Friday edition of the show. In the meantime, if you haven't seen it yet, take the time to watch, listen and learn. We were busy this morning talking about Sam Seder and a new [...]

The Day We Fight Back

A coalition of  activist groups, companies, and online platforms - and sites like this one - are joining forces today to fight back against the NSA's surveillance program. This day of activism was announced on the eve of the anniversary of the tragic passing of activist and technologist Aaron Swartz. The protest is both in his honor and in celebration of the victory over the Stop Online Piracy Act two years ago this month, which he helped spur. Participants including Access, Demand Progress, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Fight for the Future, Free Press, BoingBoing, Reddit, Mozilla, ThoughtWorks, and more to come, will [...]

By |February 11th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Day We Fight Back

“Shake More Hands, Drop Fewer Bombs”

I think I said it all yesterday, except for the "I told you so." Even John Stewart went off on how ridiculous the criticisms of the Handshake that Shook the World were... The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook But if you listen all the way to the end, you'll hear John Stewart say that the "selfie" (actually taken by the Danish Prime Minister of herself, President Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron) "kind of fucked up." No Jon. What's fucked up is the holier than thou attitude of the pundits (yourself included) [...]

The NSA Knows How You Voted

I actually have no idea whether or not the NSA knows how you voted, but I thought it was a clever way to put both the NSA and the fact that today is election day into one headline. It's an off-off election year, with a few important races.  Voters in NJ will prove that they're idiots by re-electing the big bully, Chris Christie, and voters in Virginia are faced with a choice between a despicable human being and a laughable one.  But laughter is better than disgust, so the people of VA will likely hold their noses and vote for [...]

By |November 5th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on The NSA Knows How You Voted

What’s Right With Congress?

If I asked "what's wrong with Congress?" we'd be here all summer.  It's easier to answer "what's right with Congress?"!  Alan Grayson! As I told him on the show this morning, I'd be far less optimistic about the future of this nation if he weren't in Congress fighting for us. According to Dave Weigel at  Slate, Grayson has gone from being the Congressman "formerly known as crazy" to "the most effective member of the House" and MSNBC agreed. What happened?  Grayson is working both sides of the aisle to get work done. “We’ve passed 31 amendments in committee so far,” [...]

San Jose Bound

The annual gathering of the online pinko/commie community is just about upon us - and I need it now more than ever.  Yes, I'm one disillusioned liberal.  Perhaps a few days of socializing and socialism is just what the Obamacare doctor ordered. This morning, just to get pumped up for the conference, I spoke with Netroots Nation Director of Communications and Media, Mary Rickles.  If you're following along from at home, you can check out this guide to the live streaming...  (or just come back, as I'll have the live streams embedded here too). In the second hour, I spoke [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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