
 CNN aired a pretty remarkable program last night.  I don't know if they're going to air it again or make it available online - so the next best thing is to watch "Should Grandma Smoke Pot?".  It was put together by Robert Platshorn, the guy behind The Silver Tour, who also holds the distinction of being imprisoned longer than any other American on marijuana charges. Yes. That familiar voice narrating the video is mine.  Robert Platshorn joined me on the show this morning to talk about the CNN special report, Weed, and to update us on the medical marijuana movement [...]

One More Day of Double Duty!

  **Audio fixed to include entire show... sorry for the inconvenience!*** Randi Rhodes returns from a long Presidents Day Weekend tomorrow, so I get to fill in one more day! This afternoon, we'll chat with American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten!  Also on the show this afternoon, Lee Fang of The Nation and comedian/broadcaster Julianna Forlano. Julianna will also be on my show this morning, talking about Sunday's Forward on Climate rally. She was there, and did lots of interviews, including these: And it's Tuesday, so The Political Carnival's GottaLaff brought us these stories to talk about today: VIDEO– [...]

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President’s Day Two-Fer

Yep, it's another double header today, so not much time for a lengthy post... you'll just have to listen:) This afternoon on the Randi Rhodes Show, I'll speak with the Amazing Kreskin (yes, he's still alive), Forbes' token liberal Rick Ungar, and Howie Klein will update us on how the solar panels on his house are working out for him, plus lots more.... On my show this morning, we talk about yesterday's Forward on Climate rally in DC, strange coincidences, and a lot more.  Of course since it's Monday, Nicole Belle joins in for "Fools on the Hill".  She brought [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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