Let the Hordes of Damning Women Gun Their ‘J’accuse’ Engines #PawedByTrump

    A reverse witch-hunt, as it were, has finally gotten enough participants and personal courage to commence. With any well deserved luck, women groped or worse by Donald J. Trump will have their turn at sharing their #NotOkay "shame" in the political public square. I think we may be ready for a woman's revolution of the sort since bra bonfires were regularly planning cabals. Vice President Biden can take the wheel for a moment here, his appearance on Seth Meyers last night was somehow soothing in much needed ways. Groping is clearly and appropriately a BFD to Joe. . [...]

The Absolution of American Rape Culture #NotOkay

  Women have their own locker rooms. Especially since Title IX, of course we did have to demonstrate and work like Alaskan sled dogs for the opportunity to gain and semi-safely use them. I'm sure that on occasion, a comment about an über-gropey guy or the attentions of an arrogant male professional athlete have arisen in a slow or emotionally heavy ladies'  locker room moment. But nothing could compare to the #NotOkay call-and-response that followed Trump's heinous self-exposure in a tsunami of raw pain and pure, desperate need for change. The backlash of Donald Trump's Access Hollywood revelations opened more than [...]

Pence Triples Down On Serially Enabling The Dark Donald

. We may fiercely disagree with virtually every damnable thing uttered by conservative Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal, in 'normal' times, but he brings a superb analysis of the peculiar Pastor Mike Pence and other obsequious hangers-on camping in the rarified stench of Trump World.  . The Puritan Pence is now weighted down with more consternation and outright in- "party" charges as a result ... Stephens baldly named the obsequious governor's human swamp of a running mate thoroughly out of control; and asserts that the alt-right Indianan shotgun rider is a Political Enabler.   . Even a Moral Enabler.   . Go [...]

Voter Oppression From Sea to Storming Sea

Monte Wolverton, Cagle Cartoons.   Giants like The Nation and The Atlantic (who just bestowed their first presidential endorsement since Lincoln), find themselves flooded with anecdotal cases of Voter Oppression. Or, as I prefer to call it, identifying fraud committed ON the American voter in the name of justice. We all know that white, male, American-since-conception and of possibly xenophobic natures have gleefully depressed and repressed the minority and female vote in this country. We don't even have a Boadicea, a Queen Elizabeth I, a Catherine the Great or even a Maggie Thatcher or Angela Merkel to give [...]

Same Problem Different Century, Women Still ‘Less-Than’ in the Patriarchal GOP

  Just when we think Trump and his spinners couldn't do more to repel women voters of any party … or none … the Great Swamp GOP machine produces more Odious Donald Ick to wade through. . Wear your best Orvis waders for this one. In fact, get three pairs on eBay and simply go single-use on this level of poli-nuclear waste. The Grand Old Party of white men has gone full-on retrograde, and the stink and spillage are spectacularly smellier than Seinfeld's hyper-strong B.O. in his Saab. . . Like the Seinfeldian B.O., it ain't easy to dispel and [...]

Misogynist Trumpty Dumbty Uses Bill O’Reilly as His Priest and Confessional?!

                            Editorial cartoonist Matt Wuerker, via Politico Universal dot com   . I'm not even Catholic and was starting to see arguable papacy behaviors on a regular The Factor Confessional basis from the spoiled global hellion, Donnie J. Trump. No matter the preponderance of egregious,  Bill O'Reilly ends up in a satanic split screen of himself trying to ameliorate the damage of Trump corruption and lack of ethics. Apologies for linking you to the deep foxy swamp that produces all of that. ..  .   . Was The Donald's [...]

While I Was Out

As you likely know by now, I'm battling lung cancer. The first part of the battle had me being poked, prodded and scanned. The second is finding the surgeon who'll cut the tumor(s) out of me! That's what we're doing now. Yesterday, we were in Tampa, having a consultation with a great surgeon there, Dr. Lary Robinson. Today, we were closer to home, at the UM/Sylvester Cancer Center to meet with Dr. Dao Nguyen. Also truly impressive. While I was out, we ran abbreviated one-hour programs... The podcasts are posted below. I'll be back tomorrow, and will let you know [...]

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5-3-2016 Nicole Sandler Show – Que Sera Sera

Today, Nicole Sandler discusses "kismet" - how some things are meant to be. It's on that theory that she again pushes back on the media narrative calling for Bernie Sanders to drop out! Bob Kincaid of the Head On Radio Network tells us about the candidates' stances on coal and mountaintop removal mining (and the Clinton controversy surrounding it). And it's Gliberal Goddess Tuesday as @GottaLaff and Amy Simon join in for hour two!

By |May 3rd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5-3-2016 Nicole Sandler Show – Que Sera Sera

3-22-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Love Trumps Hate

The world awoke to another terrorist attack, this time in Brussels, Belgium. We begin today's show checking in with Denis Campbell, editor of UK Progressive, for an update. Fellow commentator Benjamin Dixon weighs in on the 2016 primary season as we enter the second half. And the Gliberal Goddesses re-convene for some fabulous female facts as Women's History Month continues...

By |March 22nd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-22-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Love Trumps Hate

Why a feminist who “connected with Hillary” is voting for #BernieSanders

Deborah Newell (of the blog Litbrit) is a regular guest on the Nicole Sandler radio show, as am I, although we've never been on together. But we do keep in touch in various ways. One way is through a listserv (a private email group of progressives) on which Deborah wrote the following on why she, a diehard feminist, is voting for Bernie Sanders. It took some serious thought, introspection, and scrutiny of Hillary Clinton's policies before Deborah made that decision. Her personal story and experiences that led her to support Bernie Sanders touched me so deeply that I felt compelled to share. [...]

By |March 6th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Why a feminist who “connected with Hillary” is voting for #BernieSanders

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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