Pence Triples Down On Serially Enabling The Dark Donald

. We may fiercely disagree with virtually every damnable thing uttered by conservative Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal, in 'normal' times, but he brings a superb analysis of the peculiar Pastor Mike Pence and other obsequious hangers-on camping in the rarified stench of Trump World.  . The Puritan Pence is now weighted down with more consternation and outright in- "party" charges as a result ... Stephens baldly named the obsequious governor's human swamp of a running mate thoroughly out of control; and asserts that the alt-right Indianan shotgun rider is a Political Enabler.   . Even a Moral Enabler.   . Go [...]

Radio or Not Pricque of the Week: Super Patriot Rudy Giuliani

Annnd … the GOP quotable moments in advance of the 2016 Big Dance just keep rolling in. Whether they aim to attack Obama or presumed Dem front-out-runner Hillary Clinton doesn't seem to change the calibre or quantity of the opposition ammo. Giuliani already put hisself' 'pon the Public Pillory of Snark when he inserted his mayoral opining into a discussion of young black men and 'shootings' last year, wasn't that special? On Red Meat the Press, no less, he c-ch-ch--choked out this morsel of bilious Ick, White police officers wouldn't be in black neighborhoods, killing black men, "if you weren’t [...]

Pricque o’the Week: Rudy Giuliani

NBC's Red Meat the Press host Chuck Todd lost complete control of last Sunday's show (The Ladies at The View would've cross talked less) and inadvertently got some highly useful intel out to the snarking viewer. On this guy: Rudy noun, verb, 9/11 Giuliani. I'd be hard-pressed to be as professional as Professor Dyson -- who stayed excruciatingly calm in the face of this deeply offensive display of Rudy cray cray. Which would somehow make Todd's ineptitude So much more noticeable. The Mayoral Insolence carried on, and framed the melee perfectly. Video from NBC News. See?!? Now for the juicy [...]

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