Let the Hordes of Damning Women Gun Their ‘J’accuse’ Engines #PawedByTrump

    A reverse witch-hunt, as it were, has finally gotten enough participants and personal courage to commence. With any well deserved luck, women groped or worse by Donald J. Trump will have their turn at sharing their #NotOkay "shame" in the political public square. I think we may be ready for a woman's revolution of the sort since bra bonfires were regularly planning cabals. Vice President Biden can take the wheel for a moment here, his appearance on Seth Meyers last night was somehow soothing in much needed ways. Groping is clearly and appropriately a BFD to Joe. . [...]

The Absolution of American Rape Culture #NotOkay

  Women have their own locker rooms. Especially since Title IX, of course we did have to demonstrate and work like Alaskan sled dogs for the opportunity to gain and semi-safely use them. I'm sure that on occasion, a comment about an über-gropey guy or the attentions of an arrogant male professional athlete have arisen in a slow or emotionally heavy ladies'  locker room moment. But nothing could compare to the #NotOkay call-and-response that followed Trump's heinous self-exposure in a tsunami of raw pain and pure, desperate need for change. The backlash of Donald Trump's Access Hollywood revelations opened more than [...]

Donald Trump Jr. said what?! Here we go again.

Yesterday, I posted Memo to Team Trump: “Don’t make comparisons to Nazi Germany” in which I spotlighted a deplorable statement made by deplorable Donald Trump Jr. Well, here we go again. This time the focus is on a very sexist 2011 tweet by a very sexist Don-Don Jr. Big hat tip to a pal for this one, who aptly said to me in an email, "He's a little sh*t off the old block, ain't he?" Enjoy: Ever notice that if u get a herd of mothers together they arent physically capable of talking about anything but birth pregnancy & diapers? — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) [...]

By |September 16th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Donald Trump Jr. said what?! Here we go again.

5-17-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Trust No One (Especially the Media)

Mid-way through reading David Dayen's book, "Chain of Title," Nicole Sandler is thrilled to welcome the journalist and author to the show to discuss the foreclosure fraud that scammed the nation (and continues today). Plus the media continues lying about the presidential race, and She's History's Amy Simon discusses sexism in today's political world and more.

20151105 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s the Fifth of November

It's Guy Fawkes Day, and Nicole Sandler has a big show planned as the Internet waits for Anonymous to make good on their #HoodsOff promise sometime today! Meanwhile, Howie Klein returns to talk about what went wrong on Tuesday's off-year election, and Harvey J. Kay joins in too.

By |November 5th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 20151105 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s the Fifth of November

11-3-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Joan Walsh, GottaLaff & Elections Too!

Nicole Sandler reminds everyone to vote today. And the 2016 election is one year away! Joan Walsh visits today to talk about her new gig at The Nation, and how prescient she was with her book "What's the Matter with White People." And it's Tuesday, so it's GottaLaff too!

By |November 3rd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-3-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Joan Walsh, GottaLaff & Elections Too!

Tom Cotton Makes A Finer Fool of Himself v Howard Dean

These are the days it pays to put on the Orvis Waders and watch Morning Schmoe and Meeka at dawn’s arse crack. So you don’t have to. Skeletons in the GOP Way Back Machine … Dog Bless the Internets. Prior fetid statements from the fresh senator that Progressive Arkansans may be already cotton to. […]

Buying Votes and Paying Compliments?

Nicole Sandler speaks with Ken Vogel about the effects of Big Money in politics in the final week of election season 2014. Plus the Gliberal Goddesses reconvene to talk about catcalls on the street, unrealistic waistlines, Gamergate and lots more.

Will Scott Brown Deploy the C Word at Senator Shaheen in Tonight’s NH Debate?

Image, Wonkette.   It was difficult to keep our progressive and female mouths shut last week when former centerfold and Senator for Ten Minutes, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, allowed his erstwhile supporters to verbally attack opponent Jean Shaheen at a tailgater style political rally. They yelled "fuck Shaheen" and "fuck her right in the pussy", then labeled her a c*^nt while Brown maintained his pseudo-patrician composure. Ebola, understandably, had charge of the headlines last week - this repulsive atrocity, however, deserves repeating and some punitive grassroots reaction. Daily Kos ran the sorry tale, posting the incriminating video to [...]

Whining About Women, and Song (04/23/2014)

  Jon Stewart almost nailed it last night when he ended his segment on the right wing double standard for women by saying "It's alright to be a pussy as long as you've got a dick." But he left off the last four words that would have made that statement 100% correct: "if you're a Republican." Susie Madrak of Crooks & Liars sent me this clip to discuss when she joined in during the first hour of the show today.... Their double standard really is astounding. They demean Dianne Feinstein and Hillary Clinton as "too emotional" - yet applaud the [...]

By |April 23rd, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Whining About Women, and Song (04/23/2014)

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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