Let the Hordes of Damning Women Gun Their ‘J’accuse’ Engines #PawedByTrump

    A reverse witch-hunt, as it were, has finally gotten enough participants and personal courage to commence. With any well deserved luck, women groped or worse by Donald J. Trump will have their turn at sharing their #NotOkay "shame" in the political public square. I think we may be ready for a woman's revolution of the sort since bra bonfires were regularly planning cabals. Vice President Biden can take the wheel for a moment here, his appearance on Seth Meyers last night was somehow soothing in much needed ways. Groping is clearly and appropriately a BFD to Joe. . [...]

Pence Triples Down On Serially Enabling The Dark Donald

. We may fiercely disagree with virtually every damnable thing uttered by conservative Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal, in 'normal' times, but he brings a superb analysis of the peculiar Pastor Mike Pence and other obsequious hangers-on camping in the rarified stench of Trump World.  . The Puritan Pence is now weighted down with more consternation and outright in- "party" charges as a result ... Stephens baldly named the obsequious governor's human swamp of a running mate thoroughly out of control; and asserts that the alt-right Indianan shotgun rider is a Political Enabler.   . Even a Moral Enabler.   . Go [...]

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