While I Was Out

As you likely know by now, I'm battling lung cancer. The first part of the battle had me being poked, prodded and scanned. The second is finding the surgeon who'll cut the tumor(s) out of me! That's what we're doing now. Yesterday, we were in Tampa, having a consultation with a great surgeon there, Dr. Lary Robinson. Today, we were closer to home, at the UM/Sylvester Cancer Center to meet with Dr. Dao Nguyen. Also truly impressive. While I was out, we ran abbreviated one-hour programs... The podcasts are posted below. I'll be back tomorrow, and will let you know [...]

By |August 11th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on While I Was Out

8-8-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Cannabis Cures

  As you probably know by now, I'm fighting cancer. I'm nothing if not thorough, and the search for the right surgeon to cut this cancer out of me is frustrating at best. I've long known of the medicinal and healing properties of cannabis. A few years ago, I even narrated the TV program, Should Grandma Smoke Pot? My research brought me to PhoenixTears.ca, the official website of cannabis as a cure pioneer Rick Simpson, who famously began giving his home made "hemp oil" to friends and neighbors in Canada, with astounding results. Today, Rick is living in Croatia, still [...]

By |August 8th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 8-8-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Cannabis Cures

8-6-16 Good News, Relatively Speaking

After four weeks (but a veritable lifetime of waiting), we finally met with the oncologist yesterday to go over all of my test results. After finding out I had a mass on my lung by mistake through an x-ray of my chest after a suspected heart attack (that thankfully wasn't one), followed by weeks of poking, prodding, CT scan, PET scan, brain MRI, biopsies and other procedures, we got the best news we could have gotten, under the circumstances... with a couple of caveats. At this point, my cancer appears to be Stage 1 adenocarcinoma, localized in the lower lobe of [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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