Same Problem Different Century, Women Still ‘Less-Than’ in the Patriarchal GOP

  Just when we think Trump and his spinners couldn't do more to repel women voters of any party … or none … the Great Swamp GOP machine produces more Odious Donald Ick to wade through. . Wear your best Orvis waders for this one. In fact, get three pairs on eBay and simply go single-use on this level of poli-nuclear waste. The Grand Old Party of white men has gone full-on retrograde, and the stink and spillage are spectacularly smellier than Seinfeld's hyper-strong B.O. in his Saab. . . Like the Seinfeldian B.O., it ain't easy to dispel and [...]

Hump Day Quickie: Brit Wit John Oliver

I’m obsessed with the highly hilarious John Oliver and here’s why … he’s smart funny. Doesn’t kneel often do the broad and low-low-low comic postures that come so alarmingly easily to Donald Dicque Trump. He’s just one wit-tay dude. We’ll take 30 minutes of Oliver and no no no ego-driven Morning Schmoe and Meeka, please, sir. Oliver captures ‘umorous electricity in a bottle, utilizing the rare Monty Python level ability to find your true gut and crack it completely up. For days. Then drew you back again and again for that reliable guffaw — the kind that’s a compulsory share. [...]

“Trump turned in the worst ― and I mean worst ― debate performance in modern times.”

As the airing of the first presidential debate approached, many of us were feeling a little queasy. What if Trump managed to check his lunacy just long enough-- 90 minutes-- to convince more voters that he was competent enough to hold the most powerful office there is? What if Hillary Clinton blew it, losing even more ground to a sub-human wrecking ball? Thankfully, that didn't happen. Thankfully, Donald Trump was as repugnantly and recklessly Trumpy as always. Donald failed miserably, and everything I've read, seen, and heard confirmed that. I searched and searched for the video in which Howard Fineman echoed what [...]

“Today is the day the political news media lost its mind”

Twitter lost its mind yesterday, in part because the political news media lost theirs, as you can see if you take a few minutes to watch the segment below from The Last Word. I spent hours batting away Trump trolls and even fellow Democrats who came up with every conspiracy theory you can imagine (and some you can't) about Hillary Clinton's health. I'm not a huge fan of some of Hillary's policies, but I'll be damned if I'll entertain such idiocy. "Idiocy?" you ask. Yes, idiocy. Here's one example of a message I got from someone I ended up unfollowing [...]

By |September 13th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Today is the day the political news media lost its mind”

Dallas Morning News recs Hillary, Trump wrecks GOP (VIDEO)

The Dallas Morning News hasn't endorsed a Democrat for president in 75 years, since before World War II in fact. That changed today with their surprise endorsement of Hillary Clinton. And that's a big deal, considering what's at stake. As the Los Angeles Times put it: "Texas has long been a stronghold for Republicans, and it is a must-win state for Trump." Yikes. Or as former Texas governor Rick Perry once put it: Or as many of us who have read the endorsement have put it: Here's an excerpt (bolding mine): Trump's values are hostile to conservatism. He plays on fear — [...]

By |September 7th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Dallas Morning News recs Hillary, Trump wrecks GOP (VIDEO)

“We’re witnessing the end of the [Republican] party”– Trump Immigration Round-Up

In case you've missed some of the recent news spotlighting the Donald Trump ignorance, dishonesty, narcissism, bigotry, and bluster that passes for his newest version of an immigration policy, here are a few highlights. Please watch the videos all the way through, they're worth the time it takes, which isn't all that much.   Here we go: Via the Los Angeles Times' Cathleen Decker: Nothing in his speech served to expand his reach among minority Americans. For some Republicans who have worked for decades to diversify their party, the result felt apocalyptic. Mike Madrid, a California GOP strategist who has [...]

By |September 2nd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “We’re witnessing the end of the [Republican] party”– Trump Immigration Round-Up

Trump outreach worked… with “alt-right” anti-Semites issuing death threats

Today MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell interviewed Former Director of Media Relations for the Bob Dole campaign, Andrew Weinstein. After he organized an anti-Trump petition, the subsequent anti-Semitic attacks and threats he received from the “alt-right” movement were utterly horrific. Please watch all the way through: And what was GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump's directive to these bottom-feeders when asked how he felt about their vile outbursts and death threats? "I don't have a message for my fans." His hateful "fans" ran with that (at about 4:10 in the video). And so the Clinton campaign is also running with their own message. Here is brand spankin' [...]

By |August 25th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Trump outreach worked… with “alt-right” anti-Semites issuing death threats

8-18-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Gaius Publius Tells All

  After learning that Hillary Clinton chose Ken Salazar to head her transition team should she win the presidency, a question was asked on a listserv: Is Salazar a tell? To which Gaius Publius answered, "About the eighth in a row, yes." To me, that's a challenge! So I invited him on today's show to tell us the tells... He provided links too! Salazar: Kaine: Carol Browner, Heather Zichal and Clinton's climate army: CGI: One more link, and a correction. The Clinton pre-Benghazi strategy sessions were in Third Way HQ, not New Dem HQ. Almost worse. [...]

By |August 18th, 2016|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-18-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Gaius Publius Tells All

8-1-16 Nicole Sandler Show – A Homecoming

  I moved back to my home studio today. We still have some tweaking to do, but so far, so good. Rick Neuhoff and his wife Diana Hatsis were the Bernie Sanders delegates from my congressional district. Rick joined me for a final recap of the convention and to talk about how to move forward in the post-Bernie race. In the second hour, Ari Berman of The Nation joined me to talk about the court striking down NC's voter ID laws, Rev William Barber at the DNC, and more.

By |August 2nd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 8-1-16 Nicole Sandler Show – A Homecoming

7-26-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Conflict Resolution… or Not

  I know I'm not alone this week. I'm conflicted. There's as much conflict going on in my mind as there is in the Wells Fargo Arena, the ironic name of the arena where the Democrats are nominating Hillary Clinton as their nominee to run against the Republican Donald Trump. I feel like I'm writing this in the middle of a bad dystopian novel in which the two most hated people in the nation are vying for the presidency. Oh, wait. Anyway, today, I let the conflict play out. I offended some people, and probably confused many more. Welcome to [...]

By |July 26th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-26-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Conflict Resolution… or Not

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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