4-21-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Cannabis, Earth Day & the News

  Tomorrow's Earth Day, and yesterday was 4/20. It's time to party! First, we celebrated the ouster of Bill O'Reilly with a call to Angelo Carusone. Angelo is currently the president of Media Matters, but when I first met him almost a decade ago, he was a law school student tweeting under the @StopBeck handle, letting advertisers know just who they were supporting. His efforts got Beck booted off of Fox so-called-news. He's since graduated law school and run a number of similar campaigns. This week's victory, letting Bill O'Reilly's advertisers know what they were up against, was a biggie. [...]

By |April 21st, 2017|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 4-21-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Cannabis, Earth Day & the News

4-4-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Time to Shutter Fox and More Truths with @GottaLaff

Via Nicole, today's show: Fox News and its "star" "personality" Bill O'Reilly have something in common with the president in addition to their propensity for making shit up: they're all sexual harassers. All have been sued numerous times for their illegal and unwarranted advances on women, with Fox and O'Reilly ponying up many millions of dollars to settle with a number of them. And now advertisers are fleeing! For some unknown reason, Fox just signed O'Reilly to a new $18 million a year contract, even as the new allegations pile up. I guess it's a good thing he makes that [...]

By |April 4th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-4-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Time to Shutter Fox and More Truths with @GottaLaff

4-4-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Time to Shutter Fox and More Truths with GottaLaff

Fox News and its "star" "personality" Bill O'Reilly have something in common with the president in addition to their propensity for making shit up: they're all sexual harassers. All have been sued numerous times for their illegal and unwarranted advances on women, with Fox and O'Reilly ponying up many millions of dollars to settle with a number of them. And now advertisers are fleeing! For some unknown reason, Fox just signed O'Reilly to a new $18 million a year contract, even as the new allegations pile up. I guess it's a good thing he makes that much  money, as he's [...]

By |April 4th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-4-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Time to Shutter Fox and More Truths with GottaLaff

Misogynist Trumpty Dumbty Uses Bill O’Reilly as His Priest and Confessional?!

                            Editorial cartoonist Matt Wuerker, via Politico Universal dot com   . I'm not even Catholic and was starting to see arguable papacy behaviors on a regular The Factor Confessional basis from the spoiled global hellion, Donnie J. Trump. No matter the preponderance of egregious,  Bill O'Reilly ends up in a satanic split screen of himself trying to ameliorate the damage of Trump corruption and lack of ethics. Apologies for linking you to the deep foxy swamp that produces all of that. ..  .   . Was The Donald's [...]

3-3-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Wake Up!

Today, the Florida legislative session convenes, and Awake the State rallies are planned in every county to get people involved. Nicole Sandler attempts to awaken progressives around the country with her daily program, today talking with Huffington Post's Ryan Grim about the effect of the Citizens United SCOTUS decision on politics five years later. Plus media strategist & trainer Joel Silberman on the Hillary Clinton email problem, Netanyahu's speech, and more.

By |March 3rd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-3-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Wake Up!

Literally Racists

I've recently made a concerted effort to stay away from playing clips of right wing nut jobs on my show, but sometimes they say things so absurd they figuratively make my head explode! There were two such incidents yesterday that metaphorically drove me crazy. I know Joe Biden gets chided for his misuse of the word "literally". But it seems that when he does it, it's little more than an annoyance or something easily mocked. But Rush Limbaugh is supposed to be a professional broadcaster. His stock in trade is words! The clip below is a perfect example of why [...]

A Tale of Two TV Talkers (and more news you can use)

I offer for your comparison the two TV talkers pictured above.  On the left, we have Jon Stewart, the unlikely champion of disseminating news and information to the masses in the most accessible way possible!  On the right, a blowhard propagandist on the cable network bought and paid for by the Republican Party who wouldn't know a fact if it bit him on the ass. Last night, we heard the news that Jon Stewart would be taking a 12-week hiatus from The Daily Show this summer to direct his first film... and it's not a comedy! To understand the story [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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