9-28-18 Nicole Sandler Show – SCOTUS insanity with Lisa Graves, Feminism with June Eric-Udorie

It's finally Friday and a horrible week in American history is coming to a close. Lisa Graves, former chief counsel for Nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee, weighs in on yesterday's hearings and what comes next. Nicole also speaks with feminist activist June Eric-Udorie, who tells us about the new anthology she edited, "Can We All Be Feminists? Intersectionality, Identity, and the Way Forward for Feminism".

By |September 28th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 9-28-18 Nicole Sandler Show – SCOTUS insanity with Lisa Graves, Feminism with June Eric-Udorie

Michelle Obama Swings … and Clears the Green Monster By #MicDroppingSomeTruth

  It took our First Lady to properly shish-ka-bob the Ugly American trying to grand-theft our nation 'no mattah what it costs, snort'. Her powerful 'call to conscience' is still resonating in hearts and souls globally. Consider yourself officially called out now, Donald Dicque. While many girls and women are cautiously optimistic about seeing a woman president in the Oval Office in our increasingly slimy times, many are equally despairing of the climate created by one Donald J. Trump … king of the crazee carnival and long-time aspirant of becoming Groper-in-Chief. The political and socio-economic climate ranges from the distasteful [...]

Why a feminist who “connected with Hillary” is voting for #BernieSanders

Deborah Newell (of the blog Litbrit) is a regular guest on the Nicole Sandler radio show, as am I, although we've never been on together. But we do keep in touch in various ways. One way is through a listserv (a private email group of progressives) on which Deborah wrote the following on why she, a diehard feminist, is voting for Bernie Sanders. It took some serious thought, introspection, and scrutiny of Hillary Clinton's policies before Deborah made that decision. Her personal story and experiences that led her to support Bernie Sanders touched me so deeply that I felt compelled to share. [...]

By |March 6th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Why a feminist who “connected with Hillary” is voting for #BernieSanders

2-26-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursday Teach-In

In addition to the important news of the day, Nicole continues the dialog around her defense of Patricia Arquette's "equal rights for women" Oscars plea, and the backlash it its wake. Best of the Left's Jay Tomlinson reached out with some advice, and joins Nicole in the first hour. In hour two as the Gliberal Goddesses gather, we give She's History's Amy Simon center stage for a refresher course on the history of feminism in America.

2-24-15 Nicole Sandler Show – They Sure Told Me!

Nicole devotes today's show to the controversy surrounding Patricia Arquette's calls for equal rights and equal pay for women. Imani Gandy (@angryblacklady) joins in during the first hour to explain why she and other women of color were so offended. In hour 2, Nicole shares some emails, Tweets and the full email exchange that Elon James White quoted from on his blog.

Beauty and the Beast

Nicole turns her attention back to Ferguson, MO, where protests and leaks continue and an indictment will be handed down soon, or not. Tim Eastman, photojournalist checks in from ground zero. Plus little girls cursing for good, and political sex scandals.. Amy Simon of She's History weighs in.

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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