11-2-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Vote Tomorrow

With some help from John Oliver, Nicole Sandler notes that tomorrow is election day, with races that could be more important than next year's. Media strategist and trainer Joel Silberman guests in hour 1. Gaius Publius joins in hour 2 to talk death penalty, social security and other light topics for a Monday morning!

By |November 2nd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-2-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Vote Tomorrow

11-2-15 News Notes

TRNS News Notes is brought to you by Victoria Jones. Victoria Jones is the Chief White House correspondent and global analyst of the Washington DC based Talk Radio News Service, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally. News Now  Plane exec: "Mechanical impact...in air"GOP campaigns issue debate demandsRyan won't work with Obama on immigrationGOP 2016ers push on SyriaHealthcare.gov prices jump: Shop Benghazi, emojis in new Clinton emailsWH aims to stop release of new Obama-Clinton emailsJeb Bush launches campaign reboot todayTurkey: Erdogan re-elected in shocker Plane Exec: "Mechanical Impact...In Air" [...]

By |November 2nd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-2-15 News Notes

9-2-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Kochs, FloriDUH & a Bit of Hope

It's Wednesday, so Nicole Sandler's fellow Floridian joins in to call out their state's DUH-ness. Plus Lisa Graves from the Center for Media & Democracy with the soap opera that is Josh Duggar and his Koch problems

By |September 2nd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 9-2-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Kochs, FloriDUH & a Bit of Hope

8-5-15 News Notes

      TRNS News Notes is brought to you by Victoria Jones. Victoria Jones is the Chief White House correspondent and global analyst of the Washington DC based Talk Radio News Service, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally. News Now Iran: Obama sells deal at AU today Iran deal: The WH's big push FBI probes Hillary Clinton's email system Fox News debate: Who's in / who's out Senate cyber bill: Stuck? Planned Parenthood: New video/states respond Bush: "misspoke" on women's health funding… Baltimore brings in [...]

By |August 5th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 8-5-15 News Notes

7-1-15 News Notes

TRNS News Notes is brought to you by Victoria Jones. Victoria Jones is the Chief White House correspondent and global analyst of the Washington DC based Talk Radio News Service, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally. News Now Greece teeters on the brink Obama: Greece & Europe - make a deal US, Cuba to announce embassy openings Iran deal deadline pushed back DoJ report faults police in Ferguson Seventh black church burns: Arson? Court: NSA can restart bulk data collection Hillary Clinton email dump: Carpets Jeb [...]

By |July 1st, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-1-15 News Notes

6-16-15 News Notes

TRNS News Notes is brought to you by Victoria Jones. Victoria Jones is the Chief White House correspondent and global analyst of the Washington DC based Talk Radio News Service, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally. Egypt's ex-president Morsi sentenced to life in prison for spying - breaking News Now Jeb! is IN! Finally! Drone kills top AQAP leader Trade: What next? Rachel Dolezal: Getting weirder Benghazi: Blumenthal grilling today Massive data breach: Hill grill today Wanted Sudan leader avoids SA arrest Pope calls for climate [...]

By |June 16th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 6-16-15 News Notes

No “news” media, Jeb Bush did not have a “gaffe-free” European tour

Here is how the Los Angeles Times framed Jebya Bush's effort to look presidential by taking a Very Important trip overseas to prove his global cred: Jeb Bush makes it through Europe unscathed, if not more popular at home Here is the first paragraph of that "news" report: When he flies home from here Saturday, Jeb Bush can boast that his ripple-free trip to three European nations this week proved he is capable of striding without stumbling on a global stage. Here is how the L.A. Times ended their story: To the extent Bush needed a whiff of fresh air and [...]

6-4-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Not Another Shrubbery!

Nicole talks with Stephen Goldstein about his new book, "Jeb Bush Outed: Who He Really Is and Why He Should Never Be President." Howie Klein is back too, talking politics, elections and Green Day too.

By |June 4th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 6-4-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Not Another Shrubbery!

6-1-15 Nicole Sandler Show – June Is Bustin’ Out All Over

On the first day of June, Nicole is joined by FOIA Terrorist Jason Leopold as he arrives in DC to testify before Congress about FOIA & how the FBI sucks at it, and Media Trainer & Strategist Joel Silberman on politics & the media, including Santorum & O'Malley jumping in, and the retirement of the last TV journalist Bob Schieffer

By |June 1st, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 6-1-15 Nicole Sandler Show – June Is Bustin’ Out All Over

A sampling of this week’s political carnage

Another snark-filled guest post by the one, the only Will Durst: THIS WEEK IN POLY TICKS And now for your weekly update in the world of poly ticks. Run for your lives, people, because it’s complete chaos out there. In the pre- summer rush to wrangle positive press; current presidential candidates, potential presidential candidates, former presidential candidates, former presidents, and current presidents are viciously competing for track space in a freakish spectacle of careening into walls and spinning out of control like souped- up bumper cars during a power surge. To say it is not a pretty sight is similar to [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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