Rubio caught on video: Women’s Equal Rights Amendment “outdated, not needed anymore”

This video is going unnoticed, at least that's my perception. So of course, I feel compelled to share it with you. It was taken on a visit to Tampa shortly before Marco Rubio dropped out of the presidential race. It's just so darned inconvenient that someone would ask him a, you know, question of substance. Via Politico: A liberal activist who caught up with Rubio in the waning days of his presidential campaign in Florida posted this video of her asking him about the Equal Rights Amendment. Wendy Cartwright, activist: "As president, are you going to support the Equal Rights Amendment for [...]

By |September 22nd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Rubio caught on video: Women’s Equal Rights Amendment “outdated, not needed anymore”

Memo to Team Trump: “Don’t make comparisons to Nazi Germany”

Donald Trump Jr. made a deplorable statement today. The immediate backlash was deafening. Here's an example: Everybody knows to what @DonaldJTrumpJr was referring when he mentioned ‘a gas chamber,’ and there’s only one word for it: deplorable. — Eliot Engel (@RepEliotEngel) September 15, 2016 Well, apparently not everybody: @GottaLaff why? It wasn't that long ago the state used gas chambers to kill the condemned. But that doesn't fit the spin? — Mary (@ScribbledPink) September 15, 2016 @GottaLaff @BreakingNews Death penalty only for Jews? Didn't know ?? Educate yrslf/get serious — Deplorable Eyes? ? (@Birdseyeview_8P) September 15, 2016 @GottaLaff only [...]

By |September 15th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Memo to Team Trump: “Don’t make comparisons to Nazi Germany”

The look on Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway’s face: Priceless

I'm still under the weather, so keeping it short today. Lawrence O'Donnell has been doing one must-watch show after another these days. So, watch, enjoy, and share: For months, Lawrence O'Donnell has been waiting for the Trump campaign to be asked one very simple question about his taxes. It finally happened and the Trump campaign manager was stunned.

By |September 14th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The look on Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway’s face: Priceless

“Today is the day the political news media lost its mind”

Twitter lost its mind yesterday, in part because the political news media lost theirs, as you can see if you take a few minutes to watch the segment below from The Last Word. I spent hours batting away Trump trolls and even fellow Democrats who came up with every conspiracy theory you can imagine (and some you can't) about Hillary Clinton's health. I'm not a huge fan of some of Hillary's policies, but I'll be damned if I'll entertain such idiocy. "Idiocy?" you ask. Yes, idiocy. Here's one example of a message I got from someone I ended up unfollowing [...]

By |September 13th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Today is the day the political news media lost its mind”

“I don’t think [Trump] just flunked, I think he crashed and burned spectacularly”

Last night on MSNBC's The Last Word, Lawrence O'Donnell and his guests discussed the fiasco known as Donald Trump. Take 6 minutes to confirm your worst fears about Trump and how he spectacular flunked the commander in chief test: Donald Trump says if Vladimir Putin says good things about him, he'll say good things about him. Pulitzer prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston & Naval War College professor Tom Nichols react. Tom Nichols, a conservative, had this to say about Disastous Don-Don's continuing descension into sub-ignorant depths: "I don't think he just flunked, I think he crashed and burned spectacularly. We've gotten used to [...]

Dallas Morning News recs Hillary, Trump wrecks GOP (VIDEO)

The Dallas Morning News hasn't endorsed a Democrat for president in 75 years, since before World War II in fact. That changed today with their surprise endorsement of Hillary Clinton. And that's a big deal, considering what's at stake. As the Los Angeles Times put it: "Texas has long been a stronghold for Republicans, and it is a must-win state for Trump." Yikes. Or as former Texas governor Rick Perry once put it: Or as many of us who have read the endorsement have put it: Here's an excerpt (bolding mine): Trump's values are hostile to conservatism. He plays on fear — [...]

By |September 7th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Dallas Morning News recs Hillary, Trump wrecks GOP (VIDEO)

Trump surrogate drops nugget: Trump “legally can” release his tax returns despite audit (VIDEO)

Today on MSNBC, Tamron Hall grilled Donald Trump surrogate A.J. Delgado on Trump's taxes and immigration lies and flip-flops, or as the mainstream media calls them, "pivots." She also questioned her about Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi who decided not to open an investigation into Trump University after receiving a $25,000 Trump Foundation donation. Imagine that. Delgado even let it drop that Trump could legally release those pesky tax returns. Watch: Trump in 2014, while he was under audit at the time: "If I decide to run for office, I'll produce my tax returns, absolutely. And I would love to do [...]

By |September 6th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Trump surrogate drops nugget: Trump “legally can” release his tax returns despite audit (VIDEO)

“We’re witnessing the end of the [Republican] party”– Trump Immigration Round-Up

In case you've missed some of the recent news spotlighting the Donald Trump ignorance, dishonesty, narcissism, bigotry, and bluster that passes for his newest version of an immigration policy, here are a few highlights. Please watch the videos all the way through, they're worth the time it takes, which isn't all that much.   Here we go: Via the Los Angeles Times' Cathleen Decker: Nothing in his speech served to expand his reach among minority Americans. For some Republicans who have worked for decades to diversify their party, the result felt apocalyptic. Mike Madrid, a California GOP strategist who has [...]

By |September 2nd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “We’re witnessing the end of the [Republican] party”– Trump Immigration Round-Up

What I will not write about today

Sometimes I get so frustrated and/or disheartened and/or annoyed by some of the news stories of the day that I can’t bring myself to write about them. Here are a few recent reports that made my blood pressure hit the roof. I am avoiding delving into them at length out of concern for my physical and mental health. Many of us were seething at the press (not just the "mainstream media," but also pundits on the right and the left) for their praise of Donald Trump's trip to Mexico. They actually called him "presidential." No, I'm not kidding. Some approval cranked [...]

Trump campaign spokesperson in 2012: “Any pure breeds left?”

Last night I took a screen grab of a tweet by GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson. I did that just in case she felt compelled to scrub it. I don't remember a time when I've gotten such a huge reaction on Twitter. I mean, when you get retweets from Patton Oswalt and Josh Malina, you know you're onto something. Trump claims to be “the least racist person that you have ever met," yet ironically, he consistently makes comments and pushes policies that contradict that statement. He also makes a point of hiring people who have their own racist [...]

By |August 26th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Trump campaign spokesperson in 2012: “Any pure breeds left?”

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