Phot-OH! #BlameObama

I still can't bring myself to write about the outrage, despair, and anger I feel about the election outcomes. But that doesn't mean I won't stop fighting for what's right, what's just, and what's liberal and progressive and good for the US of A. It only means that I won't subject myself to the stress that comes with ranting about the injustices and utter idiocy that we face, now that we have a Republican Congress. Instead, how about some facts? I'm no "Obama apologist," but credit where credit is due. Lately he's been executing some well-placed kicks in the ass. [...]

#RadioOrNot Exclusive: Disabled vet turned away for no voter ID in state not requiring IDs

This email was sent to me by a regular reader of mine, and will make your heads explode. Verbatim: First, I live in one of the Tea Party strongholds of the nation in Southern Delaware.. Yes Delaware is the home of Joe Biden, but the lower part of the state is not Biden country. Also, I am disabled US Army Paratrooper.. not combat disabled, instead I learned that you cannot fight gravity.. so I have spinal issues and non-combat PTSD from the injury. Which means I shut-in, and most of the time if you saw me you would probably think [...]

McConnell failed “to turn off the chainsaw behind his back during the press conference.”

Another snark-filled guest post by the one, the only Will Durst: OBAMA AND THE TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY To call the grotesque drubbing suffered by the Democratic Party in the midterms- monumental, is like referring to the surface of the sun as warm. The scene was so grisly, acutely sensitive Democrats (most of them) were forced to avert their eyes or risk anaphylactic shock. If you ever wanted to see numbers bleed, this was your night. Surprised no referee jumped onto the CNN set, rang a bell, and raised the Koch Brothers’ hands triumphantly in the air. The [...]

“The big winners were the Koch brothers, Karl Rove and their colleagues.”

I read a tweet the other day that said the winners of the midterm elections were black lung and poverty. I've been too frustrated, disappointed, disheartened, and plain old angry to write up my feelings about the election outcome. I won't give up fighting for what's right (meaning, left), but right now I'm in no mood to put my thoughts down, because concentrating that hard on a topic that infuriates me that much will just intensify my feelings. Besides, I am trying my best to obey my doctor's orders and de-stress as much as possible. So instead, here are today's Los [...]

I Won!

***File fixed.. This is now the May 11 episode of the Nicole Sandler Show*** For the second time in my life, I actually won something.  Democracy for America today announced the first round winners for their Netroots Nation 2010 Scholarships, and I was one of them!  There are two more rounds of competition, so it's not too late for you to throw your hat in the ring! My prize is one of 40 scholarships DFA will award to worthy bloggers, and includes registration and hotel accommodations for Netroots Nation, happening July 22-25 in Las Vegas!  I'm thrilled, as I believe [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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