8-24-15 Nicole Sandler Show – School Starts, Stocks Dive, Trumpets Blare

It's the first day of school here in South Florida, but we'll still be knee deep in campaign season a year from now! Today, Nicole speaks with Joel Silberman about Donald Trump's Fri night Alabama rally & his penchant for exaggeration. Cliff Schecter tells us about his naughty weekend, sneaking into the Defending Freedom conference and getting a selfie with Rafael Cruz.

By |August 24th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 8-24-15 Nicole Sandler Show – School Starts, Stocks Dive, Trumpets Blare

“Every time you vote Republican, you probably are voting against your self-interest.” #CitizensUnited

Michael Hiltzik is a top notch columnist, and some of his readers who commented on a recent Los Angeles Times post of his apparently agree. He wrote about something that is destroying what's left of our democracy: Campaign finance, specifically the Supreme Court Citizens United decision that legally transformed corporations into people: In the wake of Citizens United, the voice of the ordinary citizen has all but disappeared from Capitol Hill. It doesn't matter whether the donors are Democrats or Republicans; money becomes a political interest on its own. Nor is it a virtue of Citizens United that it took contribution limits [...]

By |January 27th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Every time you vote Republican, you probably are voting against your self-interest.” #CitizensUnited

What I will not write about today: Infuriating news + snark chaser

Sometimes I get so frustrated and/or disheartened and/or annoyed by some of the news stories of the day that I can’t bring myself to write about them. Here are a few recent reports that made my blood pressure hit the roof. I am avoiding delving into them at length out of concern for my physical and mental health. CIA torture report not likely to result in reforms or prosecutions: "The Justice Department has cast the matter as a closed case... Federal prosecutors will not reopen their investigation of whether criminal laws were broken by CIA guards and interrogators for mistreating [...]

10-31-14 Political Tricks & Musical Treats

Nicole celebrates Halloween with a look at one of the scariest right wing trick players in politics, Rick Berman. CMD's Lisa Graves with another expose! And for our Flashback Friday treat, we go back to May 1995 with Joan Osborne, and her first LA radio appearance.

By |October 31st, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 10-31-14 Political Tricks & Musical Treats

Buying Votes and Paying Compliments?

Nicole Sandler speaks with Ken Vogel about the effects of Big Money in politics in the final week of election season 2014. Plus the Gliberal Goddesses reconvene to talk about catcalls on the street, unrealistic waistlines, Gamergate and lots more.

Channeling My Inner Howard Beale

That's who I felt like today, ranting and raving about the madness that's taken over, seemingly, EVERYTHING! From the bullshit about Benghazi, to the wrong outrage over the IRS, to Apple and others dodging their taxes, to cutting programs for the neediest among us, to the epidemic of sexual assault in the military, to the dysfunction in Washington, to the warming of our planet, to the vilification of teachers and civil servants and union members, to wimpy appeasing politicians....  I could continue, but I think you get the idea.  We talked about all of these subjects and more today with [...]

With a Little Help from our Friends

  George W. Bush used to say he was a "compassionate conservative." Whether he was or not is beside the point -  the fact that no such animal exists any more. The town of Moore, Oklahoma was devastated yesterday by a massive tornado.  But James Inhofe, US Senator from that state wasted no time in declaring that any disaster relief would have to be offset by cuts elsewhere.  Sickening. We are a nation already suffering from money hoarding at the top and too much being taken from those with the least to give.  On today's show, we looked at areas [...]

By |May 21st, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on With a Little Help from our Friends

The Super Secret Summer Summit with a Bunch of Kochs

Yesterday, on the Randi Rhodes Show, I was joined by my pal Brad Friedman who told us all about his story - with actual audio - from the top secret retreat hosted by those far from fabulous Koch Brothers in June.  Well, almost all about it.  Part two of the story hit the fan this morning, and Brad joined me to talk about the super surprise and top secret (until today) keynote speaker Chris Christie. He'll also come back on Randi's show this afternoon. This morning, I also spoke with The Nation's Ari Berman - this time about a piece [...]

By |September 7th, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The Super Secret Summer Summit with a Bunch of Kochs

Koch Suckers

Those self-serving, right wing fanatical Ayn Randian Koch brothers are at it again.  Earlier this week, we learned that they had used their money to buy influence at Florida State University that would give them the authority to reject potential professors from being hired, to recommend their own, and to have a say in the curriculum as well.  As Think Progress reported, The Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation entered into an agreement with Florida State University in 2008 in which the foundation would provide millions of dollars in funds for the school’s economics department.The funds were marked to add multiple [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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