“Republicans complain the pushback against Trump is ‘unprecedented.’ Are they serious?”

Today's Los Angeles Times letter to the editor, because our voices matter: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has accused the Democrats of unprecedented obstructionism because they were performing their constitutional duties of asking for financial and ethical screening of Cabinet nominees. This is another outrageous example of the Republicans’ assault on the truth. (“Republicans in Congress gambled on Trump and won. Here's why they're worried now,” Feb. 17) Have we forgotten that right when President Obama took office in 2009, the Republican leadership in Congress planned a no-honeymoon strategy of all-out resistance to Obama, even though the country was [...]

By |February 22nd, 2017|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on “Republicans complain the pushback against Trump is ‘unprecedented.’ Are they serious?”

“Today is the day the political news media lost its mind”

Twitter lost its mind yesterday, in part because the political news media lost theirs, as you can see if you take a few minutes to watch the segment below from The Last Word. I spent hours batting away Trump trolls and even fellow Democrats who came up with every conspiracy theory you can imagine (and some you can't) about Hillary Clinton's health. I'm not a huge fan of some of Hillary's policies, but I'll be damned if I'll entertain such idiocy. "Idiocy?" you ask. Yes, idiocy. Here's one example of a message I got from someone I ended up unfollowing [...]

By |September 13th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Today is the day the political news media lost its mind”

Bikini Graph time! US payrolls surge, job growth trounces expectations, easing recession fears

Hey kids, guess what time it is! It’s job creation time! Which means it’s time to bring back that sexy economic data source, the Bikini Graph! That sound you hear is the GOP demanding President Obama’s impeachment for allowing this to happen on his watch. JobsGhazi!!!!As always, red columns point to monthly job totals under the Bush administration, while blue columns point to job totals under the Obama administration. Me oh my, look at all that blue! Via Steve Benen at The Maddow Blog, here’s the latest on the new report from Bureau of Labor Statistics, including how the U.S. economy added 242,000 jobs [...]

By |March 4th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Bikini Graph time! US payrolls surge, job growth trounces expectations, easing recession fears

Bikini Graph time! “One of the best jobs reports of the year.” #BlameObama

Hey kids, guess what time it is! It’s job creation time! Which means it’s time to bring back that sexy economic data source, the Bikini Graph! That sound you hear is the GOP demanding President Obama’s impeachment for allowing this to happen on his watch. JobsGhazi!!!!As always, red columns point to monthly job totals under the Bush administration, while blue columns point to job totals under the Obama administration. Me oh my, look at all that blue! Via Steve Benen at The Maddow Blog, here’s the latest on the new report from Bureau of Labor Statistics, including how the U.S. economy added 292,000 jobs [...]

By |January 8th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Bikini Graph time! “One of the best jobs reports of the year.” #BlameObama

Bikini Graph time! Unemployment rate 5%, lowest in nearly 8 years #BlameObama

Hey kids, guess what time it is! It’s job creation time! Which means it’s time to bring back that sexy economic data source, the Bikini Graph! That sound you hear is the GOP demanding President Obama’s impeachment for allowing this to happen on his watch. JobsGhazi!!!!As always, red columns point to monthly job totals under the Bush administration, while blue columns point to job totals under the Obama administration. Me oh my, look at all that blue! And check out that unemployment rate graph: Puh-lunge!Via Steve Benen at The Maddow Blog, here’s the latest on the new report from Bureau of Labor [...]

By |November 6th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Bikini Graph time! Unemployment rate 5%, lowest in nearly 8 years #BlameObama

Bikini Graph time! Unemployment rate 5.1%, lowest in 7 years #BlameObama

Hey kids, guess what time it is! It’s job creation time! Which means it’s time to bring back that sexy economic data source, the Bikini Graph! That sound you hear is the GOP demanding President Obama’s impeachment for allowing this to happen on his watch. JobsGhazi!!!!As always, red columns point to monthly job totals under the Bush administration, while blue columns point to job totals under the Obama administration. Me oh my, look at all that blue!Via Steve Benen at The Maddow Blog, here’s the latest on the new report from Bureau of Labor Statistics, including how the U.S. economy added 173,000 [...]

By |September 4th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Bikini Graph time! Unemployment rate 5.1%, lowest in 7 years #BlameObama

Bikini Graph time! Unemployment rate at 5.3%, lowest in 7 years #BlameObama

Hey kids, guess what time it is! It’s job creation time! Which means it’s time to bring back that sexy economic data source, the Bikini Graph! That sound you hear is the GOP demanding President Obama’s impeachment for allowing this to happen on his watch. JobsGhazi!!!! As always, red columns point to monthly job totals under the Bush administration, while blue columns point to job totals under the Obama administration. Me oh my, look at all that blue! Via Steve Benen at The Maddow Blog, here’s the latest on the new report from Bureau of Labor Statistics, including how the U.S. economy [...]

By |July 2nd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Bikini Graph time! Unemployment rate at 5.3%, lowest in 7 years #BlameObama

Bikini Graph Time! Jobs report suggests Jeb “Bush’s understanding of current economic conditions is completely backwards.”

Hey kids, guess what time it is! It’s job creation time! Which means it’s time to bring back that sexy economic data source, the Bikini Graph! That sound you hear is the GOP demanding President Obama’s impeachment for allowing this to happen on his watch. JobsGhazi!!!! As always, red columns point to monthly job totals under the Bush administration, while blue columns point to job totals under the Obama administration. Me oh my, look at all that blue! Via Steve Benen at The Maddow Blog, here’s the latest on the new report from Bureau of Labor Statistics, including how the U.S. economy [...]

A sampling of this week’s political carnage

Another snark-filled guest post by the one, the only Will Durst: THIS WEEK IN POLY TICKS And now for your weekly update in the world of poly ticks. Run for your lives, people, because it’s complete chaos out there. In the pre- summer rush to wrangle positive press; current presidential candidates, potential presidential candidates, former presidential candidates, former presidents, and current presidents are viciously competing for track space in a freakish spectacle of careening into walls and spinning out of control like souped- up bumper cars during a power surge. To say it is not a pretty sight is similar to [...]

Bikini Graph Time! Unemployment drops to 5.4%, best job growth stretch since 1939

Hey kids, guess what time it is! It’s job creation time! Which means it’s time to bring back that sexy economic data source, the Bikini Graph! That sound you hear is the GOP demanding President Obama’s impeachment for allowing this to happen on his watch. JobsGhazi!!!! As always, red columns point to monthly job totals under the Bush administration, while blue columns point to job totals under the Obama administration. Me oh my, look at all that blue! Via Steve Benen at The Maddow Blog, here’s the latest on the new report from Bureau of Labor Statistics, including how the U.S. economy [...]

By |May 8th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Bikini Graph Time! Unemployment drops to 5.4%, best job growth stretch since 1939

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