We’re paying a cowardly Congress to do nothing as bombs drop

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy As long as Rachel Maddow continues to spotlight Congress's disappearing act, I'll continue to post her rants. Above is her latest. Our Congress has not nearly as much interest (as the UK) in this matter. [Boehner] doesn't want this existing Congress to debate military action, he wants it to be the new one, the next Congress, as in, "the one that isn't elected yet" that will convene next year in 2015. Now that the war has started in Iraq and Syria, and they say it will be a years-long [...]

“There’s a reason Congress repulses the people of the U.S.” (VIDEO)

A few days ago, I posted this: “It’s starting to look like an Iraq War.” Where’s Congress? Rachel Maddow picked up where that left off. She was reporting on the Senate's passage of expanding the training of Syrian rebels. Then she got a little sidetracked, and for good reason. VERY good reason: And in completely unrelated news, the United States military continues to wage a war against ISIS... Congress has yet to say anything about that use of force by the U.S. military in Iraq, let alone the 1600 American troops that have been deployed back to Iraq to take part in [...]

Congress’s “busy schedule of non- work”

HOW THEY SPENT THEIR SUMMER VACATION September is a grand month for traditions. Fresh pencils and tablets for the upcoming school year. The approach of fall as evidenced by the turning of the leaves. International Talk Like a Pirate Day on the 19th. The official start to the NFL season with the filing of the first domestic abuse charge. It is also when we welcome our elected representatives back from the grueling recess they are forced to spend fund- raising in their home districts. The time when they finally come back to work. Or rather back to a busy schedule [...]

“Whenever lawmakers are ready to show up again to perform their jobs…”

Once upon a time I posted this: Eric Cantor's 2014 House schedule allows for even MORE time off. I wrote that post because I was utterly exasperated with endless Congressional vacations and the resulting lack of accomplishing any, you know, lawmaking. Congress members take more recesses than elementary school kids, yet it's the kids who seem to have a better work ethic than our elected officials-- who we continue to pay to do absolutely nothing, just by the way. Rachel Maddow pointed that out in this post, Why everybody would like to be a member of Congress: Lots and lots of time off. Lots: "Nice deal right? ... [...]

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