The Great Trump Dumpster

Via The San Diego Union Tribune   "It's the Summer of Trump!", barked the small mouth in the tier below the Hair System of the Donald. [It has Staff, Mark Halperin was recently spotted bribing them with State Fair discount coo-puns.] At least that's what THEY say. Donald is either a closeted and devoted polytheist or has a constant Judgmental Cadre of Trump! experts in his earpiece. Which, yes, is most definitely wired into the-absolutely-greatest-on-earth-the-BEST Hair System. Only Losers rely on Bluetooth. And have contractual obligations to 'God'. After giving free helicopter rides to GOP kidlets in Iowa [...]

Pricque o’the Week: Rudy Giuliani

NBC's Red Meat the Press host Chuck Todd lost complete control of last Sunday's show (The Ladies at The View would've cross talked less) and inadvertently got some highly useful intel out to the snarking viewer. On this guy: Rudy noun, verb, 9/11 Giuliani. I'd be hard-pressed to be as professional as Professor Dyson -- who stayed excruciatingly calm in the face of this deeply offensive display of Rudy cray cray. Which would somehow make Todd's ineptitude So much more noticeable. The Mayoral Insolence carried on, and framed the melee perfectly. Video from NBC News. See?!? Now for the juicy [...]

The Bernie Beat @ Radio or Not

  With gratitude to the inspirational Gliberal Goddesses and chorale of awesome members of The Thundering Herd in Nicole's rocking Live Chat Room this week, we happily present the first of a weekly-ish post and thread dedicated to Vermont's Progressive pride and joy ... Mssr. Bernie Sanders. Or as we local yokels fondly think of him, our Rumpled Savior -- in the Clueless, Useless, God-Damned United States Senate, in the eye of the Great Swamp -- and, depending on how the Santa-Hillary Winds blow, taking his spot upon the 2016 primary bench on our side of the aisle and  right [...]

The GOP Systematically Defunded America Into Unpreparedness

  Now we know what happens when we elect spite and ignorance to Congress and beyond. If you had to guess how many upper echelon, budget-busting hospital beds were open for infectious disease treatment across the country, would it be fairly accurate given how much we have learned about Ebola these last weeks? I'd have estimated at least two or three hundred beds/high tech suites and appropriate staff, nationally. Damn. I'd have been off by a heart-stopping amount, as Rachel Maddow informed us this week … there are, in fact, a total of ten such beds. And four are presently [...]

Radio or Not Pricque o’ the Week

U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter, Republican Patriot from California, has no apparent Intelligence. In either lingual case. You see, according to the good and mad Representative, ISIL is now hopping willy nilly over the (sanz enough prophylactic measures for the Lipton Brigade and the lingering, desperate GOP pursers and hawkers) southern border. Says the news-breaker slash pol who just wants HIS country back, and will apparently ask us to suspend disbelief long enough to incorporate the latest science fiction into his tribe's 'news' cycle. Rachel Maddow chose this juicy bit of balderdash to highlight in Debunktion Junction Wednesday evening, a segment [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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