11-13-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Fri the 13th 2020 with Thomas Frank and a Winner Declared

Download here or click below to play   I was dreading this Friday the 13th because, after all, this is 2020. But it's turning out to be a pretty good day! The major news organizations all today finally called the races that were outstanding. With GA going to Biden, the final electoral vote tally is 306-232, the same numbers that saw Trump beating Clinton in 2016. An outcome he called a landslide! I had originally invited Thomas Frank -journalist, historian, and author (The People, No among others)-  to join me on Nov. 4, the day after the election. Because of [...]

By |November 13th, 2020|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 11-13-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Fri the 13th 2020 with Thomas Frank and a Winner Declared

8-12-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Listen Liberals, Thomas Frank is Back!

Download here or click below to play   I've been hosting this show for over a dozen years now. Although I enjoy speaking with all of my guests, there are a handful with whom I love conversing. Today's guest, Thomas Frank, is one of those. He's the author of some essential books including What's the Matter with Kansas, Listen Liberal, The Wrecking Crew and many others... his newest one throws the covers off around populism, The People, No: A Brief History of Anti-Populism. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did! As the show started, the first [...]

By |August 12th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-12-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Listen Liberals, Thomas Frank is Back!

7-11-18 Nicole Sandler Show -Thomas Frank Returns

I've been lucky enough to interview some fascinating guests over the years. One of my favorites returns to the show today -- author and columnist Thomas Frank. His new book is called Rendezvous with Oblivion: Reports from a Sinking Society. Of course, you can't go wrong with any of his books, What's the Matter with Kansas?, Listen, Liberal, Pity the Billionaire and The Wrecking Crew. Follow him on Twitter @thomasfrank_....

By |July 11th, 2018|Tags: , |Comments Off on 7-11-18 Nicole Sandler Show -Thomas Frank Returns

5-6-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Fubar Friday!

We're at the end of the week that gave us Donald Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential race. Fubar about sums it up. Today, Nicole talks with Thomas Frank, author "Listen Liberal - or What ever happened to the Party of the People?" and opens the phones to get the listeners' views on how to move forward

By |May 6th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5-6-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Fubar Friday!

Weird, Creepy Politics

Three weeks out from election day, Nicole talks about ugly politics. Salon's Thomas Frank guests to discuss his latest interviews with Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Plus John Brody of Backus Nurses/AFT on Ebola preparedness, Wendy Davis' ad, and Alison Lundergan Grimes' voting record too.

What’s the Matter With America?

  As evidenced by the events unfolding in Ferguson, MO over the past 10 days, there's a lot wrong with America. Some of the problems are within the president's authority to fix. Thomas Frank  joined me in the last half-hour of today's show to talk about the three he outlined in his latest piece at Salon, "How to Wreck the GOP in 3 Easy Steps." Of course, his suggestions would only wreck the GOP's chances of taking over the Senate in November, and bolster the Democrats', and make the country better for those of us struggling to get through each [...]

Pity the Billionaire — or Not!

Pity the Billionaire is the title of one of Thomas Frank's brilliant books, and one I immediately thought of when I read his current column, "Hillary Clinton forgets the '90s" Our latest gilded age and our latest phony populists" over at Salon.com. In it, the man who originally asked What's the Matter with Kansas?  today reminds us that Hillary, with her latest references to our living in a new gilded age, was living in the White House with her then-president husband when Frank and his colleagues at The Baffler used the same phrase to describe that era. In fact, as Frank recounts, there were a [...]

Back to Reality

I was on vacation last week - and that was the view from my room at the Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort. I was there for a music conference called Sunset Sessions - which I attend whenever I am able. My friend Michele Clark started Sunset Sessions almost 20 years ago as a way to introduce new music and new artists to radio programmers. She'd fly a select group of adventurous radio folk to an exotic location where we'd enjoy great company and incredible music. These days, Michele hosts her annual gatherings in San Diego and, true to form, puts on an [...]

What’s the Matter with America?

The picture above is the perfect example of what's wrong with this country: People so stupid they continually vote against their own best interests while those hoarding most of the money do their best to keep the uninformed even more clueless than they already are.  After all, a naive electorate is one that'll allow those in power to grab even more of it. Of course, it's what Thomas Frank's seminal masterpiece, What's the Matter With Kansas, is all about. The author and that book, as well as The Wrecking Crew, another of his brilliant missives, came up yesterday on the [...]

By |August 8th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on What’s the Matter with America?

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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