Back to Reality

I was on vacation last week - and that was the view from my room at the Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort. I was there for a music conference called Sunset Sessions - which I attend whenever I am able. My friend Michele Clark started Sunset Sessions almost 20 years ago as a way to introduce new music and new artists to radio programmers. She'd fly a select group of adventurous radio folk to an exotic location where we'd enjoy great company and incredible music. These days, Michele hosts her annual gatherings in San Diego and, true to form, puts on an [...]

Assholes on K Street

  Yesterday there were two kinds of assholes on K Street. The first group is there permanently.  They're the ones who buy off members of Congress and get them to do their bidding.  On behalf of the K Street lobbyists, Congress passed bad laws and did nothing to stop the Wall Street excesses and theft from the 99% that led to the destruction of our economy. That's why almost two thousand people converged on Washington DC this week - to Take Back the Capitol. On Tuesday, we descended on 99 congressional offices to tell our representatives that we [...]

Taking Back the Capitol – Allen West Denied!

I'm in Washington DC this week for a massive action "Take Back the Capitol". Today was a thing of beauty, as thousands of the 99% visited 99 congressional offices to tell our representatives that we need more jobs and less corporate influence over this country. I was in a group of around 30 people from Florida's 22nd district who wanted to meet with the man who is supposed to represent us -- Allen West. After waiting a couple of hours, West's Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff (along with the help of three Capitol Police they somehow needed [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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