7-29-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Can One Man Save the World with John Ondrasik/Five for Fighting

  Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   As you certainly know by know if you're a regular listener of this program, a good chunk of my career was spent in music radio in Los Angeles. Back in 1997, while working as Rock Editor of the radio/record industry trade magazine The Album Network, I heard a record from a new band called Five for Fighting. I fell in love with it. I met the man who recorded under that band name, John Ondrasik, just in time to learn that [...]

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1-29-16 Quick Morning News

   Victoria Jones created and edits Quick Morning News. She is chief White House correspondent with Washington DC-based Talk Media News, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally.  Quick NewsGOP debate: 4 takeawaysGOP debate: Winners & losersTrump's revenge festDonations go to Trump's foundation...Zika "spreading explosively" in Americas: WHOObama rallies DemocratsSyrian opposition: No to today's talksChicago police destroyed dashcamsGOP Debate: 4 Takeaways (Politico, Politico, me)• Ted Cruz: Whiner - The candidates, with no Donald Trump to deal with, had plenty of incentive to cut Ted Cruz, the tea party hero, down [...]

By |January 29th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-29-16 Quick Morning News

11-12-15 News Notes

TRNS News Notes is brought to you by Victoria Jones. Victoria Jones is the Chief White House correspondent and global analyst of the Washington DC based Talk Radio News Service, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally.News NowGOP debates: The day afterGOP debates: Naughty - factsKurds & US in ISIS offensiveVeterans Day rememberedMissouri students accused: Threats against blacksNetanyahu: "Europe should be ashamed"Louisiana cop shooting of boy: Motive?Smoking ban? Public housing GOP Debates: The Day After (AP, Politico, me)• Donald Trump on on MSNBC Wed repeated calls for [...]

By |November 12th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-12-15 News Notes

1-22-15 News Notes

TRNS News Notes is brought to you by Victoria Jones. Victoria Jones is the Chief White House correspondent and global analyst of the Washington DC based Talk Radio News Service, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally. In the News Awkward GOP abortion bill setback Iran: Netanyahu invites self to Congress? Iran: Senators want sanctions Iran: Admin doesn't want sanctions Ferguson: DoJ to clear officer Veterans suicide bill moves forward Obama in the heartland Mitt and Jeb to meet in Utah... Border security: House committee spars GOP [...]

By |January 22nd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-22-15 News Notes

#RadioOrNot Exclusive: Disabled vet turned away for no voter ID in state not requiring IDs

This email was sent to me by a regular reader of mine, and will make your heads explode. Verbatim: First, I live in one of the Tea Party strongholds of the nation in Southern Delaware.. Yes Delaware is the home of Joe Biden, but the lower part of the state is not Biden country. Also, I am disabled US Army Paratrooper.. not combat disabled, instead I learned that you cannot fight gravity.. so I have spinal issues and non-combat PTSD from the injury. Which means I shut-in, and most of the time if you saw me you would probably think [...]

Pity the Billionaire — or Not!

Pity the Billionaire is the title of one of Thomas Frank's brilliant books, and one I immediately thought of when I read his current column, "Hillary Clinton forgets the '90s" Our latest gilded age and our latest phony populists" over at Salon.com. In it, the man who originally asked What's the Matter with Kansas?  today reminds us that Hillary, with her latest references to our living in a new gilded age, was living in the White House with her then-president husband when Frank and his colleagues at The Baffler used the same phrase to describe that era. In fact, as Frank recounts, there were a [...]

Veterans Day Double Header

Veterans Day was officially yesterday - November 11 , but we'll talk about it today on both my show and Randi Rhodes'! We honor those who served our nation while, at the same time, hope we never send more men & women to war.  So, Leah Bolger, president of Veterans for Peace will join me on both shows today. On my show, we'll talk about the latest casualty in the world of progressive talk radio.  On Friday evening, Clear Channel flipped Portland's KPOJ to sports.. deja vu all over again. Florida's 29 electoral votes were finally awarded to President Obama! [...]

By |November 12th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Veterans Day Double Header

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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