8-12-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Listen Liberals, Thomas Frank is Back!

Download here or click below to play   I've been hosting this show for over a dozen years now. Although I enjoy speaking with all of my guests, there are a handful with whom I love conversing. Today's guest, Thomas Frank, is one of those. He's the author of some essential books including What's the Matter with Kansas, Listen Liberal, The Wrecking Crew and many others... his newest one throws the covers off around populism, The People, No: A Brief History of Anti-Populism. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did! As the show started, the first [...]

By |August 12th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-12-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Listen Liberals, Thomas Frank is Back!

Happy Moral Populists

  A group of young Iranians showed their "Happy" side by dancing in a video to Pharrell Williams catchy smash hit song.   Unfortunately, I guess being happy is illegal in Iran. Susie Madrak of Crooks & Liars joined me this morning to talk about this truly sad story. Three men and three women danced unveiled to Pharrell Williams' smash hit in a video that was widely shared on social media, garnering over 30,000 views before it was taken down. Copies have been quickly re-uploaded as news of the arrest has broken, sparking the hashtag #FreeHappyIranians. Many Iranians praised their joyful video, [...]

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