Pity the Billionaire — or Not!

Pity the Billionaire is the title of one of Thomas Frank's brilliant books, and one I immediately thought of when I read his current column, "Hillary Clinton forgets the '90s" Our latest gilded age and our latest phony populists" over at Salon.com. In it, the man who originally asked What's the Matter with Kansas?  today reminds us that Hillary, with her latest references to our living in a new gilded age, was living in the White House with her then-president husband when Frank and his colleagues at The Baffler used the same phrase to describe that era. In fact, as Frank recounts, there were a [...]

Live from Netroots Nation – Day 2

Nicole broadcasts live from Netroots Nation - Day 2 - with a bunch of guests including Alan Grayson (via phone), MA Gov candidate Barbara Buono, MD Gov candidate Heather Mizeur, Brad Friedman, RL Miller, Joel Silberman and many others..

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Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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