4-13-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Dirty, Sleazy Politics

Think the 2016 race is the ugliest ever? Think again. Today, Nicole Sandler speaks with Joseph Cummins, author of "Anything for a Vote: Dirty Tricks, Cheap Shots and October Surprises in US Presidential Campaigns". And Deborah Newell brings us some stories from the Oy, FloriDUH files. And WTF Tom Hayden??

By |April 13th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-13-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Dirty, Sleazy Politics

4-16-15 Nicole Sandler Show – To the Left!

Nicole discusses the recent campaigns that show America moving to the left! Politico's Marc Caputo joins in to update us on the FL legislative session and look at Florida's presidential candidates too. And more...

By |April 16th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-16-15 Nicole Sandler Show – To the Left!

Flashback Friday

As much as we'd like to Flashback to before Tuesday, we spent the first hour dissecting what happened. CBS4/Miami's Jim DeFede helped unpack what happened in Florida, and the Campaign for America's Future's Dave Johnson told us about what went wrong nationally and gave a preview of next week's action against the TPP. In hour two, we went back to 2000 for my interviews with musicians Colin Hay of Men at Work and Jill Sobule.

Fan-tastic FloriDUH

Nicole recaps last night's farce of a gubernatorial debate, including the fan-tastic idiocy of Rick Scott. Randi Weingarten, president of AFT (the 2nd largest teachers union) joins to tell about this morning's conference call on Ebola. And Amy Simon of She's History brings some fabulous female facts.

Religion and Politics Monday

  Today we did what you're not supposed to do in polite company: talk religion and politics. Then again, I never said we were polite around here. We began with religion, courtesy of Bill Maher, Sam Harris and Ben Affleck  with a little Michael Steele and Nicholas Krisof thrown in for good sense ...   Although I agree with most of what Affleck said, he needs to learn to shut up once in a while and let others speak. Religious scholar Reza Aslan took issue with Maher's prior Islamophobic rants... Although Upworthy cited lots of sources that back up Azlan's [...]

Taking the “DUH” out of FloriDUH

  Greetings from the land of hanging chads and stand your ground insanity. It's also a state where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans 4,587,502 to 4,128,098, yet the GOP controls both chambers of the legislature and all cabinet positions. Maybe it's the heat combined with the humidity that make people vote against their own best interests time after time. Regardless of the reasons, Florida has a chance to rid ourselves of some of the DUH that's infected our land. But to do that, Floridians have to vote in the August 26 primary, and vote for the only progressive Democrat in the race. If [...]

Peace, Pot & Politics

We covered a lot of territory on today's show... First up, the situation in Ukraine is horribly sad and tragic. And hearing American politicians on both sides of the aisle proclaiming, as John Kerry did, that "in the 21st century, you don't invade another country on completely trumped-up pretext," is hypocrisy defined. Sickening. The Bobsey Twins, McCain and Graham, couldn't be any more sickening in their sabre-rattling in the name of criticizing Obama - going against the previous tenets of "foreign policy ends at the water's edge." They don't stand for anything other than leading that charge that whatever Obama [...]

FloriDUH, The Beatles and Why Hillary Shouldn’t Run

We'll begin with the fun stuff. Yes, that's a young me at KLOS in Los Angeles with Ringo Starr. Proof that I have met a Beatle! As the nation remembers back 50 years ago this week when The Beatles invaded America, played the Ed Sullivan Show and changed our lives, I noticed an article about an old friend of mine who owns a piece of that Beatles history! Andy Geller hit it big in the world of voiceover. In 2002, at the top of his game and a known collector, he learned about the piece of backstage wall at The [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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