Cuban Surprise

Nicole talks about the end of the 113th Congress and the rest of the news. Susie Madrak tells us about how one of the big witnesses in the Ferguson Grand Jury made it all up. And Pakistani journalist Kaswar Klasra checks in from Islamabad, where the nation is observing a three day mourning period after yesterday's school massacre left 143 dead. And breaking news about the normalization of US-Cuba relations!

Fan-tastic FloriDUH

Nicole recaps last night's farce of a gubernatorial debate, including the fan-tastic idiocy of Rick Scott. Randi Weingarten, president of AFT (the 2nd largest teachers union) joins to tell about this morning's conference call on Ebola. And Amy Simon of She's History brings some fabulous female facts.

10-15-14 News Notes

TRNS News Notes is brought to you by Victoria Jones. Victoria Jones is the Chief White House correspondent and global analyst of the Washington DC based Talk Radio News Service, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally. Breaking: A second health care worker who provided care for Thomas Duncan at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital has tested positive for Ebola (AP, Reuters) In the News TX nurses: "Unsupported, unprepared, lied to" TX nurses: "Left to figure things out" CDC: "Ebola response team" in future Obama: "Progress and setbacks" [...]

By |October 15th, 2014|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 10-15-14 News Notes

10-10-14 News Notes

TRNS News Notes is brought to you by Victoria Jones. Victoria Jones is the Chief White House correspondent and global analyst of the Washington DC based Talk Radio News Service, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally. Breaking: The Nobel Peace Prize has been won by Pakistani child education activist Malala Yousafzai and Indian children's rights activist Kailash Satyarthi In the News Ebola: Dallas hospital on defense HHS sec: "There may be other cases" WH blows off Colombia prostitution report Police shooting of black teen: Tense clashes [...]

By |October 10th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 10-10-14 News Notes

On Sensata, Malala and the Fools on the Hill

  If you've noticed that #Sensata is trending on Twitter today, it's certainly not because the media is all over it. The mainstream, corporate media, that is.  Shows and alternative media (like mine) are talking about the Bain-run company that's moving its Freeport, IL factory to China and forcing its soon-to-be-former employees to train their replacements. My friend Dave Johnson has written about it extensively at the Campaign for America's Future, but here's an excerpt: If you are hearing about a company named Sensata, here is the story. Right now this company is moving equipment out of a factory in [...]

By |October 15th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on On Sensata, Malala and the Fools on the Hill

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