10-28-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Debate Prep

Get your drinking game ready, because tonight's the GOP Debate #3 from Boulder, CO. Nicole Sandler gets ready for the fun with Congressman and senatorial candidate Alan Grayson, FloriDUH's Deborah Newell Tornello, and the Campaign for America's Future's Dave Johnson

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Flashback Friday

As much as we'd like to Flashback to before Tuesday, we spent the first hour dissecting what happened. CBS4/Miami's Jim DeFede helped unpack what happened in Florida, and the Campaign for America's Future's Dave Johnson told us about what went wrong nationally and gave a preview of next week's action against the TPP. In hour two, we went back to 2000 for my interviews with musicians Colin Hay of Men at Work and Jill Sobule.

“Shake More Hands, Drop Fewer Bombs”

I think I said it all yesterday, except for the "I told you so." Even John Stewart went off on how ridiculous the criticisms of the Handshake that Shook the World were... The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook But if you listen all the way to the end, you'll hear John Stewart say that the "selfie" (actually taken by the Danish Prime Minister of herself, President Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron) "kind of fucked up." No Jon. What's fucked up is the holier than thou attitude of the pundits (yourself included) [...]

When Will They Ever Learn?

It's the end of another week at Radio or Not, and a tough week it was! The big primary day on Tuesday was a bummer for those of us who thought we were heading for a progressive push.  Blanche Lincoln somehow eked out a win in the primary to run to to keep her Senate seat in November, beating her challenger Bill Halter. And Blue Dog war monger Jane Harman somehow defeated the progressive breath of fresh air that is Marcy Winograd so she can keep her big corporation money loving ways going for another two years in the House [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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