Taking the “DUH” out of FloriDUH

  Greetings from the land of hanging chads and stand your ground insanity. It's also a state where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans 4,587,502 to 4,128,098, yet the GOP controls both chambers of the legislature and all cabinet positions. Maybe it's the heat combined with the humidity that make people vote against their own best interests time after time. Regardless of the reasons, Florida has a chance to rid ourselves of some of the DUH that's infected our land. But to do that, Floridians have to vote in the August 26 primary, and vote for the only progressive Democrat in the race. If [...]

Dueling Platforms

Last week we shuddered as we read the ideals the Republican Party stands for as they released the official 2012 Republican Party Platform.  Talk about a giant leap backwards...  Courtesy of ThinkProgress, here are some of the standout parts: NO ABORTION IN CASES OF RAPE OR INCEST. The proposal for a “human life amendment”passed without a hitch — and without any exceptions for rape or incest. The committee didn’t stop there; they also adopted language that would ban drugs that end pregnancy after conception, which could potentially include Plan B, the “morning after pill.” SALUTE TO MANDATORY ULTRASOUNDS. The GOP officially praises states’ “informed [...]

By |September 4th, 2012|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Dueling Platforms

Today’s GOP

The battle raging in the US today isn't so much the Democratic Party vs. the Republican Party as it is Progressive vs. Regressive. Although the Obama campaign's slogan really hadn't appealed to me before, Forward is the perfect battle cry while we're forced to fight against the GOP's very Backward platform. Today's GOP stands for a giant leap back...  From outlawing abortion under any circumstances, to making it more difficult for people to vote, to undoing our social safety net and other protections for those who need help the most, the best slogan for today's GOP would be Backwards.

By |August 25th, 2012|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Today’s GOP

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